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    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Tactical Retinue
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Tactical Retinue

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Tactical Retinue

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    These retinue characters act as tactical advisers to the following Hundred Kingdoms characters - Chapter Mage, Imperial Officer, Noble Lord and Priory Commander making them more effective generals Battlefield Role: Tactical Retinue
    Original price was: £43.99.Current price is: £34.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest Nords Tactical Retinue
    Conquest Nords Tactical Retinue

    Conquest: Nords Tactical Retinue

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    These retinue characters act as tactical advisers to the following characters - Blooded, Jarl, Konungyr, Shaman and White Waste Shaman - making them more effective generals. Battlefield Role: Tactical Retinue
    Original price was: £43.99.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest Core Box Upgrade
    Conquest Core Box Upgrade

    Conquest: Core Box Upgrade

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    This Core Box Upgrade is available for players who still have the original 2 Player Core Box (PBW1001), and wish to upgrade it to the standard of the current Two Players Starter Sets. Get the latest version of the rules, command sprues for all the regiments in the Core Box and command/spell cards for the Spires and the Hundred Kingdoms! Perfect purchase for Spires and Hundred Kingdoms players to buy and split between them!
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £27.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Old Dominion Fallen Divinity (Artisan Series)

    Conquest: Old Dominion Fallen Divinity (Artisan Series)

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    Once noble paragons of the Dominion's Pantheon but long since corrupted by Hazlia's Fall, Fallen Divinities are quite simply the most dangerous foes mankind has encountered to date. Thankfully, the trauma of the Fall and the valiant efforts of Kleon during the theomachia that followed have crippled and contained the power of these abhorrent beings. This means that they can be opposed by mortal arms for a brief spell, that vulnerable moment between their manifestation before they have had a chance to feast upon the Dark Power released by the destruction of their followers. This figure was designed by the team at Para-Bellum in keeping with our aesthetic, and then sculpted by renowned artist Michael Kontraros. This is a true artisan series miniature, with incredible details that make it a presence on a game table, or as a painted model. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Light Type: Monster
    Original price was: £124.99.Current price is: £79.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Warbred

    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Warbred (Brutes)

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    Shunned by the rest of W’adrhun society, these genetic throwbacks often band together into combat units. Huge, fierce and with little to lose, Warbred are a terrifying force on the battlefield as they seek to atone for the sin of killing their mother at birth and earn the notice of the Cult of War to join their ranks. Battlefield Role: Anti-Infantry Class: Medium Type: Brute
    Original price was: £43.99.Current price is: £34.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest Campaigns Book - Chronicles & Legends (Softcover)
    Conquest Campaigns Book - Chronicles & Legends (Softcover)

    Conquest Campaigns Book – Chronicles & Legends (Softcover)

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    This book introduces rules for linking your games into Campaigns. It has rules ranging from simple experience gain for your troops and commanders to full blown map campaigns with development, evolution, and strategic movement as well as suggestions on how to run a narrative campaign. It also delves, for the first time, into the lore of the W’adrhŭn, the Old Dominion, the City States, and the Weavers, allowing the players a first glimpse into these secretive and hitherto unknown or forgotten factions!
    Original price was: £29.99.Current price is: £14.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Nords Mountain Jotnar (Artisan Series)
    Conquest: Nords Mountain Jotnar (Artisan Series)

    Conquest: Nords Mountain Jotnar (Artisan Series)

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    This figure was designed by the team at Para-Bellum in keeping with our aesthetic, and then sculpted by renowned artist Michael Kontraros. This is a true artisan series miniature, with incredible details that make it a presence on a game table, or as a painted model. Following Ragnarok and the burning of Yggdrasil, the Jotun threatened all human life in the northern continent. The emergence of the Einherjar from their slumber brought their dominance to an abrupt and final end. With their greatest Shaman-Kings broken, the Jotun were made to bend the knee and swear allegiance to their Einherjar and their human subjects. Today, the few remaining Eihnherjar can grant truly exceptional leaders authority over one of these towering behemoths. Strong and tireless, a Jotun is a priceless asset to the community he is assigned to. Some enterprising Jarls are willing to bring them along on raids. Ruinously expensive to transport and feed while at sea, Jotun soon prove their value on land. Towering over 6 meters, a Mountain Jotnar is a primordial force of destruction on the battlefield. Their powerful limbs can shatter a shield line in a single blow, hurling full grown men through the air as if they were toys. How they Play: Staple of Nord Army Lists, this Heavy Monster Regiment builds up on the early-mid game pressure this faction excels at, able to deliver a volume of high Cleave Attacks and break and break through Enemy Lines! Battlefield Role: Anti-Infantry Monster Class: Heavy Type: Monster
    Original price was: £124.99.Current price is: £79.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Order Of The Ashen Dawn
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Order Of The Ashen Dawn

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Order Of The Ashen Dawn

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    Exemplars even amongst the superhumanly skilled Orders, the Order of the Ashen Dawn are spoken of in hushed whispers and respectful tones even by those who are unlucky enough to count them as enemies. Clad in baroque armor of a craftsmanship that has reduced master smiths to tears, these holy warriors are the definitive answer to the monsters and nightmares that plague mankind. They are the final guardians of the Sealed Temple and the keepers of its darkest treasures. FUN FACT - In First Blood these will be officers with unique rules, thus 3 cards. A unique feature for this set. Battlefield Role: Elite Cavalry Class: Heavy Type: Cavalry
    Original price was: £59.99.Current price is: £44.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Dweghom Steelforged
    Conquest: Dweghom Steelforged

    Conquest: Dweghom Steelforged

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    Some Dweghom manifest so much of their Elemental Gift, they must master it or be consumed by it. Few Have the skill, will or dedication needed to become Sorcerers. In fact, most Dweghom elect to install techno sorcerous grafts that allow them to harmlessly vent their excess power. Steelforged pilots are recruited from amongst these individuals who possess a Gift for both Elements: their excess Primordial Fire and Earth channelled through their grafts and into these towering steel automata. Countless foes have been cut down expecting a lumbering clanking behemoth, only to be confounded by the speed and power of these deadly automata. How they Play: The Steelforged are the Dweghom’s answer to the age old question of “quantity or quality of Attacks?”. With the Flux-Powered Rule Steelforged are capable of switching from one mode of Attack to the other whilst their naturally high Defence stats allows them to withstand even the most violent of onslaughts! Battlefield Role: Restricted Brute Class: Medium Type: Brute
    Original price was: £52.99.Current price is: £41.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Chosen Of Conquest (Dual Kit)
    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Chosen Of Conquest (Dual Kit)

    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Chosen Of Conquest (Dual Kit)

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    The presence of the Ukunfazane, the Living Goddess, among the W’adrhŭn, ensures that the population at large is devout; the Cults, composed of those W’adrhŭn who dedicate their lives to the worship and emulation of their patron God, take this a step further. The Chosen of Conquest are the most prolific of these Cults, its Chosen warriors present in almost every tribe. Speed and discipline, coupled with the Goddess’ gifts, allow the Chosen of Conquest to always be where they need to be on the battlefield, blunting the enemy’s advance and turning the tide with flawlessly executed assaults. This kit will also make a Veterans force, but the same is not true in reverse. How they Play Elite troops, being able to bring a mix of naturally high offensive and defensive stats, making the pound-for-pound the most versatile W'adrhŭn Infantry Regiment coming at a significant price but their Medium classification allowing them to excel against even heavier Regiments they will encounter later on as the battle unfolds. Battlefield Role: Mainstay Infantry Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £31.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Blooded

    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Blooded

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    The Blooded are those W’adrhŭn Braves who have proven themselves in battle. Having earned their standing, these warriors have secured better weaponry and a prominent role in the battlefield. In time, their success might allow them to be recognized as a veteran, granting them access to the coveted metal armour and weaponry. Battlefield Role: Mainstay Infantry Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Slingers

    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Slingers

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    The humble sling they wield is a weapon of surprising efficiency when wielded by a proficient human. In the hands of an experience W’adrhŭn, these primitive weapons become a terror. Backed by the savagery of their wielders, few formations can withstand a double volley followed by a charge of these fearsome warriors, who have cut their teeth hunting the most dangerous of prey on jungle and plains alike. Battlefield Role: Restricted Missile Infantry Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £27.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Raptor Riders

    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Raptor Riders

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    As a by-product of the diverse genetic material from which the W’adrhŭn were developed, a portion of their population has developed an almost supernatural empathy with beasts. A curious twist to this legacy seems to be that the females bond with predators while males bond with herbivores. Mounted on fierce raptors these agile warrior units can range across the entire battlefield bringing their savagery to play where most needed. Battlefield Role: Mainstay Cavalry Unit Class: Light Type: Cavalry
    Original price was: £52.99.Current price is: £42.50.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Army Support Pack (Wave 4)
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Army Support Pack (Wave 4)

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Army Support Pack (Wave 4)

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    This Hundred Kingdoms Army Support Pack set includes new Command Cards, Secret Objective Cards as well as all new, individually illustrated, Spell and Incantation Cards as available to the casters of each faction to serve as memory aids, plus special TLAOK and First Blood Scenario cards uniquely used in each game play style. All of these cards are contained within a beautifully illustrated Hundred Kingdoms themed deck box to allow players to keep all of the cards needed to play Conquest in a single, easy to access container.
    Original price was: £25.99.Current price is: £18.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: City States Thorakites (Dual Kit)
    Conquest: City States Thorakites (Dual Kit)

    Conquest: City States Thorakites (Dual Kit)

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    While unmatched in formation combat on an open field, Phalangites and Hoplites do not fare well in constrained spaces and rough terrain. Thorakites are the answer to these problems. Trained to a higher physical standard, but without the rigid formation and drill of the phalanx, Thorakites allow an enterprising commander to exploit gaps and developments on the battlefield that the traditional phalanx would be too cumbersome to address.

    How They Play Where Hoplites form a stalwart shield wall the Thorakites protect the Phalanx’s flanks and exploit gaps left in the enemy lines. Place Thorakites in your Strategic Stack and combine their activation with a withdrawing Hoplites/Phalangites Regiment. Where the Hoplites/Phalangites withdraw the Thorakites may immediately take advantage charging through gaps in the enemy lines!

    Battlefield Role: Mainstay Infantry Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £24.99.