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  • Sold out
    City States: Agema (Dual Kit)
    City States: Agema (Dual Kit)

    Conquest: City States Agema (Dual Kit)

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    Agema are, without a doubt, the best fighters available to a City States commander. They are invariably the personal guard of rules, tyrants and council members alike. Armed, armored and augumented to the highest standards that a ruler can afford, the notion of failure or defeat is anathema to these elite soldiers, who are trained to fight and win on any battlefield under any circumstance.

    How They Play Agema are veterans and the finest warriors selected from the ranks of the Thorakites. They retain the same mobility and flexibility whilst sporting upgraded stats, at a price. Place Agema in your Strategic Stack and combine their activation with a withdrawing Hoplites/Phalangites Regiment. Where the Hoplites/Phalangites withdraw the Agema may immediately take advantage charging through gaps in the enemy lines!

    Battlefield Role: Restricted Infantry Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £24.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Matriarch Queen
    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Matriarch Queen

    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Matriarch Queen

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    A young race like the W’adrhŭn would naturally prize life giving females above all roles in its society. So, what does it say of those females who eschew these roles and chose, rather, to follow the example of their living goddess, becoming peerless warriors and leaders? Simply that they have earned every ounce of respect from their warriors and every iota of fear from their enemies through sheer talent and application. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Heavy Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £17.50.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Nords Army Support Pack (Wave 4)
    Conquest: Nords Army Support Pack (Wave 4)

    Conquest: Nords Army Support Pack (Wave 4)

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    This Nords Army Support Pack set includes new Command Cards, Secret Objective Cards as well as all new, individually illustrated, Spell and Incantation Cards as available to the casters of each faction to serve as memory aids, plus special TLAOK and First Blood Scenario cards uniquely used in each game play style. All of these cards are contained within a beautifully illustrated Nords themed deck box to allow players to keep all of the cards needed to play Conquest in a single, easy to access container.
    Original price was: £25.99.Current price is: £14.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest The Old Dominion: Legionnaires (Dual Kit)
    Conquest The Old Dominion: Legionnaires (Dual Kit)

    Conquest: Old Dominion Legionnaires (Dual Kit)

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    While it was once arguable whether the Legions of the Old Dominion were the most feared fighting force on Ea few would dare disagree today. Devoted to their lord in life and unlife, what the Legionnaires of the Old Dominion have lost in speed they more than make up in remorseless discipline and relentlessness. Battlefield Role: Mainstay Line Infantry Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £27.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Drillmaster
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Drillmaster

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Drillmaster

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    The training regime of the Steel Legion is as legendary as the unit itself. Those who have failed it speak with the harshest words to describe it, recounting drills and abuses, both physical and mental, and pressure that are hard to believe. Be such claims true or not, one thing is certain: every single man and woman of the Steel Legion has gone through it and their effectiveness on the field is undeniable, while their performance under the harshest of circumstances unfaltering. While the worth of each of the Legionnaires is unquestioned, an observant eye can see the source of their performance; for in the presence of their Drillmasters, the Legion’s fervor and aggression is unstoppable. After all, it only makes sense for one to perform better when someone screams at one’s ear during combat, asking what one’s major malfunction is. Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: City States Army Support Pack (Wave 4)
    Conquest: City States Army Support Pack (Wave 4)

    Conquest: City States Army Support Pack (Wave 4)

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    This City States Army Support Pack set includes new Command Cards, Secret Objective Cards as well as all new, individually illustrated, Spell and Incantation Cards as available to the casters of each faction to serve as memory aids, plus special TLAOK and First Blood Scenario cards uniquely used in each game play style. All of these cards are contained within a beautifully illustrated City States themed deck box to allow players to keep all of the cards needed to play Conquest in a single, easy to access container.
    Original price was: £25.99.Current price is: £14.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: The Spires Catabolic Node
    Conquest: The Spires Catabolic Node

    Conquest: The Spires Catabolic Node

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    Nothing epitomizes the Spires’ approach to warfare more than the Catabolic Node. Every drone contains the latent genetic code to become a Catabolic Node. With it’s twisted body is seething with toxic gasses and corrosive vital fluids a Catabolic Node is so unstable they are only created on the eve of battle. One shudders to imagine what could happen if the Spires found a way to stabilize these deadly sacrificial troops. Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £17.50.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Old Dominion Xhiliarch
    Conquest: Old Dominion Xhiliarch

    Conquest: Old Dominion Xhiliarch

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    The professional nature of the Old Dominion army was best exemplified by its officer cadre. A Xhiliarch, a commander of a thousand men, was both elected by his troops and trained by Dominion. Only those who had previously reached the rank of Centurion were eligible to become Xhiliarchs, who upon election traveled to Captias to be trained in grammar, arithmetic and logistics, allowing them to become the professional officer corps that the Legions needed to dominate the continent. Their exalted rank invariably meant that they were buried in full honors and ceremony, their embalming process and the interment services much more thorough and complex than that of a simple Legionnaire. As such, when raised as unliving vessels by the unGod they retained their cognitive capacity unlike the Legionnaires who retain but a vestige of their former self. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £17.50.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Dweghom Fireforged

    Conquest: Dweghom Fireforged

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    The Fireforged are a military force composed of those Dweghom who possesses a strong affinity for fire, but not enough power of discipline to become a Sorcerer.  Ostensibly guards to the Forge Temples of the Tempered, along with the Stoneforged and Steelforged, their gifted nature and implanted shunts give the Forged units a unique advantage on the field of battle: the use of enhanced exoskeletons and weaponry. Unlike their Stoneforged brethren, the exoskeleton of the Fireforged is focused simply on the delivery and containment of their main armament: the Blast Cannon. Based on a scaled down design of the Hellbringer Cannons used to hunt the greatest of dragons, the Blast Cannons draw and shape the uncontrolled gift of their Dweghom users to generate powerful directional blasts of superheated flame capable of puncturing even the heaviest of plate at a hundred paces. Their powered exoskeletons enhance their strength, allowing the Fireforged to remain mobile on the field of battle despite the weight of the Blast Cannon to deliver their powerful blasts where most needed. More than capable in close combat, the Fireforged can then follow up a devastating salvo with a savage charge, or easily fend off light units and skirmishers, allowing their heavy weaponry to be employed at bringing down the most heavily armoured of foes. Battlefield Role: Ranged, Anti-Armour Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Nords Raiders
    Conquest: Nords Raiders

    Conquest: Nords Raiders

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    The wealth that can be earned in a single successful raid far eclipses anything a Nord might hope for while working one’s own lands. If particularly lucky, a Raider could secure enough captives, wealth and booty to truly secure his household and devote himself entirely to the perfection of his martial abilities... Battlefield Role: Mainstay Line Infantry, Short Ranged Infantry Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Nords Mountain Jotnar
    Conquest: Nords Mountain Jotnar

    Conquest: Nords Mountain Jotnar

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    Towering over 6 meters, a Mountain Jotnar is a primordial force of destruction on the battlefield. Their powerful limbs can shatter a shield line in a single blow, hurling full grown men through the air like they were toys. Battlefield Role: Anti-Infantry Monster Class: Heavy Type: Monster
    Original price was: £61.25.Current price is: £44.95.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Nords Jarl
    Conquest: Nords Jarl

    Conquest: Nords Jarl

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    The title of Jarl is perhaps the most misleading. Much like the word ‘Lord’ used in the southern lands, there can be a great gulf between two different individuals addressed by the same title. The same holds true in Nord society, where a Jarl remains a recognized leader of men, but the number and quality of the troops at his disposal can vary wildly. In the southern coast of Mannheim, where the weather is a little sweeter than in the true north and the sea provides its bounty through both raiding and fishing, a Jarl might rule over no more than one prosperous town or village, but still manage to support a standing fighting force of over a hundred hard bitten raiders and huskarls, doubling or tripling that during times of need. On the other hand, in the deep north where only small communities of few people can be sustained, a Jarl’s available manpower shrinks tremendously, often resulting in situations where a single Jarl and his hand-picked chosen men range over a large area, hunting and tracking outlaws and predators. The gap is further widened due to another powerful determinant of a Jarl’s status and resources; one’s command of ships. Having the ability to entice warriors with the promise of plunder and the income provided by the same, southern Jarls often command enough warriors to commit half their forces to raiding year round, without having to sacrifice on efficiency of their dwelling’s other operations. All the while, the income and glory from successful raids adds to a Jarl’s prestige, bringing even more men willingly under their command. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: City States Promethean (Dual Kit)
    Conquest: City States Promethean (Dual Kit)

    Conquest: City States Promethean (Dual Kit)

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    When one gazes upon the wonders of a City State; its cyclopean walls, its towering cranes and smokeless foundries, one cannot help but suspect that these wonders cannot have been built by mortal hands alone. And they would not be far wrong. Deep within the bowels of each Acropolis reside the Prometheans, ancient Titanic allies of the Scholae and their founder, whose deep primordial knowledge is responsible for many of the wonders that allow the city states to stand. Rare and fell is the need that rouses one of these ancients to war, for their every blow cracks the enemies will even as it empowers it’s allies. Battlefield Role: Spellcasting Monster Class: Medium Type: Monster
    Original price was: £87.99.Current price is: £69.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: City States Hephaestian (Dual Kit)
    Conquest: City States Hephaestian (Dual Kit)

    Conquest: City States Hephaestian / Promethean (Dual Kit)

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    While the Titans were convinced of the need to aid the Scholae and their Founder in their efforts, not all of them agreed how. The Prometheans chose to aid them by sharing with them the secrets of Creation, the Hephaestian chose a different path: that of Destruction. Looking upon mankind and worried of what they would make of the weapons they had been gifted, the Hephaestian’s chose instead to become the weapons bringing their overwhelming power onto the battlefield on behalf of their mortal allies. Battlefield Role: Spellcasting Monster Class: Heavy Type: Monster
    Original price was: £87.99.Current price is: £59.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: City States Minotaur Haspists
    Conquest: City States Minotaur Haspists

    Conquest: City States Minotaur Haspists

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    Those minotaurs that have somehow escaped the sad fate of their Thyrean kin can look forward to a quiet life of agrarian work. Their prodigious strength and legendary stamina mean that even with the odds stacked against them, most can look forward to buying their own emancipation writ within a decade or two. As citizens, however, they are duty bound to serve in the army much like their human counterparts. Most do so as Haspists, consciously standing apart from their fallen Thyrean kin, specializing in defense and bolstering the line where the weaker humans might falter. Battlefield Role: Brute Regiment Class: Medium Type: Brute
    Original price was: £52.99.Current price is: £42.50.