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Carcassonne: Count, King & Robber Expansion

Carcassonne: Count, King & Robber Expansion

Carcassonne: Count, King & Robber Expansion

Original price was: £19.99.Current price is: £15.99.

Bring a new level of competition to Carcassonne with the King, the Robber and the Count in this expansion.

Adding a central board with the iconic city of Carcassonne, this new expansion adds new ways to score from inside the city provided you are not within the grasp of the Count. Meanwhile, players can battle for the titles of King and Robber by completing the largest roads and cities across the game.

This expansion also includes the Cultists expansion, and the River II expansion, providing even more ways to customise your Carcassonne games.

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SKU: 841333104351 Categories: , Tag:

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  • Ages: 7+
    Players: 2 – 6
    Duration: c.45 minutes

    > Read our full Carcassonne board game review