Tel: 01904 401709

Moonstone League Information

League plays out over a 3 month period. The number of matches you will need to play will be dependant on the number of competitors but around 6 to 8 matches is likely to be the sweet spot.

Matches can be played anywhere – at EH Gaming, at the local gaming clubs (York Garrison or Next Generation Gaming), your house, the pub…just make sure they happen in a timely manner and you & your opponent submit the results.

Try not to fall behind the pace with matches played…not playing for a month will put you under pressure to catch up and having to play a game each week or two games a week may not be practical!

Team Building:

You must register one faction and then you can list at least 6 and up to 10 models from that faction.

Models which cannot be used in the same troupe together, such as Grub and Herbert Growbottom, may be taken in these 10 models but may not be used simultaneously in a game. Models which can be summoned by other models in your tournament list such as Murder Bunnies, Striga Anaya and the Jackalope, do not need to be taken in the 10 to be summoned.

Upgrade and Campaign cards are not allowed for League play. Cards designed for scenario play, such as Drunk Fritz and Diana Enraged, cannot be included in your League list either.

You will submit your model choices ahead of the League starting and may make changes up until the League begins. Once the League starts your faction choice is locked in until the end of the League. After you have played your 3rd match you may swap out up to 3 models from that faction. You can only make these swaps once until the end of League and they can be made any time after you complete your 3rd match.


Miniatures must be fully assembled and on an appropriately sized base. All models must be moonstone models but conversions are allowed.

Matches and Scoring:

Matches are to be played using the Standard Scenario with 2 players and 7 Moonstones which will be dropped by a third party (where possible).

Players should use 6 characters in their games, leaving up to 4 aside from their League list, sideboarded and out of play in each game. These characters should be chosen during deployment by choosing a character and deploying it each time you need to deploy a model in setup.

Moonstone matches are played over 4 rounds.

The player with the most Moonstones in their possession at the end of Turn 4 (sunrise) is the winner. If both players have an equal number of Moonstones, begin a new Sudden Death turn. During the Sudden Death turn, if any player is in possession of more Moonstones than their opponent at the end of any action, they immediately win the game!

The number of Moonstones held by each player must be recorded, along with the winner. Each player will receive 1 League Point for taking part in the match. The number of Moonstones is classed as Victory Points.

The cumulative tally of Moonstones collected by each player during their matches will decide the winner at the end of the League. In the event of a tie-break the Win/Loss record will determine the winner.

Example – You win your match by 4 Moonstones to 2. You will score 1 League Point for your win and 4 Victory Points for the Moonstones collected. Your opponent will score 1 League Point and 2 Victory Points.

Scheduling Matches:

League admin will draw the first fixtures out of a ‘hat’. After this first round of matches you are free to arrange further matches yourselves – Admin will step in and and arrange fixtures if any players are falling behind, or if anyone appears to be ‘preying’ on the players who are new to the game. There will be penalties applied if a player keeps cancelling arranged games and you may end up forfeiting a match.

Entry Fee:

The Leagues are free to enter for EH Gaming Members or £5 if you are not a Member. League matches taking place at EH Gaming will be subject to the usual play fees – £2.50 for Members, £3.50 for Non-Members.

Please remember to book a Moonstone table with EH Gaming ahead of time if you wish to play here.