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Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES) – Fifth Edition: Salubri Preconstructed Deck

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES) – Fifth Edition: Salubri Preconstructed Deck

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES) – Fifth Edition: Salubri Preconstructed Deck

Original price was: £20.00.Current price is: £15.99.

The Salubri are warriors and healers who tread the path of Golconda – ultimate redemption from the Kindred curse. But with this path comes suspicion and persecution, as the power to heal brings with it the power to harm. They are both hunters and hunted in their pursuit of enlightenment.

This deck relies on vigilance and protection. Your vampires use their powers of Auspex to foresee enemy moves and Fortitude to make their bodies nigh-indestructible in combat. When the time is right, you launch upon your prey, using mind-swaying Dominate powers to damage your foes.

This is a deck with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards, ready for play out of the box or customizable with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards.

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    Original price was: £20.00.Current price is: £15.99.

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    1 Yael (NEW)


    1 Anarch Troublemaker
    2 Blood Doll
    1 Guardian Angel
    1 KRCG News Radio
    1 Meditative Grove (NEW)
    1 Powerbase: Montreal
    1 Saulot’s Avenging Fist (NEW)
    1 Saulot’s Guiding Wisdom (NEW)
    1 Saulot’s Healing Touch (NEW)
    2 Vessel

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    1 Ivory Bow
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    4 Forced Confessional (NEW)
    4 Freak Drive
    2 Seduction
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    3 Indomitability
    2 Rolling with the Punches
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    2 Delaying Tactics
    2 Eagle’s Sight
    2 Enhanced Senses
    4 Eyes of Argus
    2 My Enemy’s Enemy
    2 On the Qui Vive
    4 Telepathic Misdirection