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Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES) – Fifth Edition: Tzimisce Preconstructed Deck

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES) – Fifth Edition: Tzimisce Preconstructed Deck

Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES) – Fifth Edition: Tzimisce Preconstructed Deck

Original price was: £20.00.Current price is: £15.99.

The Tzimisce were once noble tyrants of Eastern Europe, but in modern nights they covet power worldwide. For them control is all. They aim to take what you thought was yours and then jealously guard their possessions like a dragon guards its hoard.

This deck is a versatile toolbox. Your vampires use mind-altering Dominate powers to gain influence and undermine opponents. In combat they can turn into bats or mist to escape, or rework their bodies into monstrous forms to seriously wreck their foes. For defense you rely on animal spies and hideous ghoul servants.

This is a deck with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards, ready for play out of the box or customizable with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards.

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  • Contents:-

    2 Adrino Manauara (NEW)
    2 Ángel Guerrero (NEW)
    2 Branimira (NEW)
    1 Neserian (NEW)
    1 Clara Hjortshøj (NEW)
    1 Whisper (NEW)
    1 Marialena (NEW)
    1 Prentis Derby (NEW)
    1 Susie Kano (NEW)


    1 Anarch Revolt
    1 Anarch Free Press, The
    1 Barrens, The
    3 Blood Doll
    1 Haven Uncovered
    1 Library Hunting Ground
    1 Papillon
    2 Piper

    2 Childe of the Revolution
    1 Constant Revolution
    6 Govern the Unaligned

    3 Revenant
    1 Homunculus

    2 Underbridge Stray
    1 Vozhd of Sofia (NEW)
    2 War Ghoul

    1 Living Manse

    3 Foreshadowing Destruction
    3 Earth Control
    3 Invigorate (NEW)

    3 Form of Mist
    2 Form of the Bat
    4 Monstrous Form (NEW)
    4 Obedient Flesh (NEW)
    4 Sculpt the Flesh (NEW)

    3 Bait and Switch
    4 Cats’ Guidance
    3 Deflection
    4 One With the Land (NEW)
    4 On the Qui Vive
    3 Organized Resistance