Flesh & Blood TCG: Part the Mistveil Prerelease Event – Saturday 25th May 2024
“For ten thousand years our ancestors have walked the path well traveled.
Like the tiger stalking its prey… They have waited.
Like the snake hiding in the murky water… They have waited.
Like the waning faces of the moon… They have waited.
Until now.
The truth lies beyond the mist.”
Discover the truth hiding behind the mist at EH Gaming on May 25th! Featuring three new Mystic heroes across Assassin, Illusionist, and Ninja classes, Part the Mistveil transports you to the secretive region of Misteria, where past, present, and future will reshape your mind, body, and soul.
Part the Mistveil Pre-Release uses Sealed Deck format, this time with 8 packs per player! Build a powerful deck of exactly 30 cards, shuffle up, then get ready to transcend and unlock your Inner Chi!
- Format: Sealed (8 packs)
- Entry Fee: £28.50
- Registration: 12.30pm
- Packs Opened / Deck Construction: 1pm to 1.30pm
- 1st Round: 1.35pm
This prerelease event is all about the cards and the social experience of meeting up to explore the new set together whilst battling it out over 4 or 5 rounds of gameplay.
Please Note: If this event sells out please do contact us to request being added to a waiting list
Out of stock
The format for this pre-release event is Sealed Deck. Each player receives 8 Part the Mistveil booster packs and a Part the Mistveil 10-card pre-release pack to construct a 30 card minimum deck. You can find out more about the Sealed Deck format over at https://fabtcg.com/resources/gameplay-formats/sealed-deck/.
The event will play out over 4 or 5 rounds, depending on numbers of attendees.
Car Parking is available on-site and refreshments are available in-store.
If you require information on how to reach us via public transport, or if you have any other questions then please get in touch.