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Quoridor Board Game

Quoridor Board Game

Quoridor Board Game

Original price was: £35.00.Current price is: £28.50.

Don’t let yourself be fooled by the simplicity of Quoridor’s rules, as behind each game lies a new layer of strategy for you to discover.

To reach the opposite side of the board, mastering the perfect balance between the two moves at your disposal is essential. Will you sacrifice moving your pawn to place a fence? Will you use it offensively to block your opponent, or to defend your quickest path to victory?

Set it up on the table; Quoridor’s pure and elegant design will raise everyone’s curiosity, always calling for one more round.

Out of stock

SKU: ehg-QUORID Category:

Ages: 8+
Players: 2 to 4
Time to play: 15 minutes


  • 1 board
  • 20 wooden fences
  • 4 wooden pawns
  • 1 cloth bag
  • Rules