Rumbleslam: Dilomite Kid (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesThis pint-sized lizard is a reasonably new addition to The Forest Soul’s roster though his fan base might lead you to believe otherwise. The scaly superstar exudes confidence and moves about the ring with the grace and demeanour of a king. Despite his small size Dilomite Kid is an exceptionally skilled fighter who uses his deadly speed for devastating results, and has a penchant for spitting. He claims it is an honour he grants to those select few he must defeat at all costs. He’s quick, he’s fragile, and he’s got one of the only long-ranged attacks in the game! Spit Attack hits an opponent within 5 squares with the Dazed special rule, and – if you get your Crowd Pleaser off – does 1 Damage and causes Bleeding too! That’s one dangerous little dino! Dilomite Kid is right at home with his fellow Cold Bloods, but as a Forest Soul wrestler, would work well with The Timber Fists too. Or any team that could use a nippy, cheap Superstar with some devious tricks up his sleeve! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: The Nut (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesThe Nut, (or inmate #0142) has received more suspensions and bans than any two wrestlers combined. In his debut match, the crazy superstar not only beat his opponent but ended their career with a truly terrifying display of rage and psychotic fury. It took several officials and wrestlers to pull him away from his opponent as he bit the air and gnashed his teeth like a rabid dog. Laughing, The Nut rubbed his spit-speckled chin against his shirt and left the ring without another word. The Nut has bounced into the ring, and our hearts! Alright, maybe not our hearts. The Nut is a really unique wrestler (in a game full of unique wrestlers) because his arms are tied up! While he has a very high GRP value (because he’s so hard to catch), he’s unable to Grapple, Lift, or Throw. So that means The Nut is all about damage! 6 MP and 5 AP means he’s going to be a real thorn in your opponent’s side, with High Flyer and Leaping Lunatic, he’ll be all over the ring! The Nut suits a fast team, which is why he’s a perfect fit in Gomorrah, but he’d also do well teaming up with The Runic Thunder or another team that could use a boost of speed and damage. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Gertha (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesRUMBLESLAM sponsors heard tell of the shield maiden daughter of the leader of the dwarven people, and sent her an offer. At first she didn’t care for the sport, and was even going to turn it down before she heard whispers from her siblings: "Girls can’t fight in that ring, leave it to the men." After promptly and thoroughly beating her brothers, Gertha packed her bags. Gertha is a great all-rounder character, dealing out a lot of damage, with a whole host of special abilities too! A wrestler with access to Knockdown AND Devastating, this little lady is a superb choice in the ring. Her only downside is her slow speed, but the Shield Maiden Passive Ability goes a long way to mitigating that, as once per round she can swap places with a friendly wrestler within 3 squares when they're attacked, jumping right into the action! A Kaiser's Palace wrestler with stunning Defence and high Stamina, Gertha works perfectly in conjunction with her dwarven bretheren in The Runic Thunder, but also suits a Cold Bloods team, jumping in the way of any Gekkos that get themselves into trouble! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Granite (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesThis resilient superstar has it all; power, toughness, size, charisma... There are few wrestlers in the ring that can match a natural charm and presence which have enthralled and captivated the hearts of countless viewers. He’s even been known to break the rules to deliver a better show for his adoring fans. If he sees that the crowd is getting bored, he’ll perform a dirty move, or kick an opponent when they’re down. Cheers or boos, he only wants to entertain, as that’s the only way to fill the seats of the arena! With one of the best Defence stats in the game, you know Granite is tough to deal with. Combined with his Stoneskin Passive Ability he's almost entirely impervious to Brawl attacks. His real draw is the Face Heel Turn Passive Ability though. Granite can choose each turn to be a face or a heel, gaining a stat boost to go along with it. That gives him a lot of flexibility, starting off as a face and getting extra attack power, then finishing the match as a Heel when it's time to throw the opponent out. Or you can go for a Crowd Pleaser to have your cake an eat it too! If successful in wooing the crowd, Granite may choose both choices, gaining extra attack and grapple, and getting the HEEL special rule too! Now that's a walking mountain with flexibility! Granite the Free Agent is indeed free to join any casino without affecting Sponsorship Bonuses. He could team up very well with the Golem from a Runic Thunder team (double the Stoneskin!), or could join in with The Cold Bloods for a little one-man flexibility that can hold his own without relying too heavily on the rest of the lizards for support. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £12.00.£9.99Current price is: £9.99. -
Sold out
Rumbleslam: Ice (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesA slippery superstar possessing a cool demeanour, Ice has chilled the hearts of his opponents for years. Men and women can’t help but shiver as he makes his glacial way towards the stage where his powerful figure gleams in the limelight. Try as they might to grapple or lift his monstrous mass, his glassy exterior seldom allows opponents to find purchase, whilst his hard as steel hide deflects all but the strongest of blows. It's Ice! Yes! I love Ice. He's brilliant. What he may lack in grappling and dodging, he more than makes up for in Defence. And defending himself isn't all he's good for! His Glacial Skin Passive Ability makes him extremely hard to grapple, and The Wall is a Passive Ability that allows him to share his Defence value with any wrestler in base contact. Just think on that for a second. You can take high offensive wrestlers or great grapplers, then just hug up to Ice and be extremely difficult to take out. Ice is a Free Agent, which means you can use him in any team without losing your Sponsorship Bonus. So what teams is he best in? The Raging Beasts and The Green Bruisers benefit a huge amount from his presence, as he counters their low defence stats. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £12.00.£9.99Current price is: £9.99. -
Rumbleslam: Mythos (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesMythos first entered RUMBLESLAM in a blaze of hellfire and turned a promising match into carnage. Leo was just about to be thrown out, his attacker the sure favourite for victory, until Mythos struck him from behind. The demon lord didn’t stop with one blow as he stomped on the downed wrestler until there was nothing left of him. Leo turned to the demon wanting to thank him, but was instead greeted with a savage punch. Another malicious roar sounded as Mythos battered the weakened victor before vanishing once again in a cloud of fire and brimstone. We've had plague monsters, zombie badasses, and giant dinosaurs. But this is the first true evil demon RUMBLESLAM has unleashed. So what does this giant flaming thing do? Well, the key is in the flames, really. Immolation Aura is an Active Ability that just sets people on fire! No roll, no defence, just that anyone in base contact with Mythos takes Damage. Just watch out for your own wrestlers! Other than that, Mythos has a whole load of great abilities, including Clothes Line From Hell (unsurprisingly), which has the important Throw special rule. Not that he needs much help throwing wrestlers around, as his Grapple is a ridiculous 2 Gold and 1 Copper! Ow ow ow. Wrestling for The Feral Den means that Mythos works very well with The Raging Beasts, who always benefit from another damage dealer. He's also great in high Stamina teams like The Runic Thunder, where his Immolation Aura won't even hurt them very much! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £10.00.£7.99Current price is: £7.99. -
Rumbleslam: Green Grables (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesGreen Grables is older than stone and wiser than the wind. For as long as she can remember she lived among the countless trees and brooks in peace. One fateful day a man entered her forest and brought with him an army of machines and men. They tore her home to the ground in a handful of days and slaughtered her sisters. In place of her beautiful woods they built a casino for a sport called RUMBLESLAM. The anger inside her swelled and grew into a maelstrom waiting to be unleashed within the ring. If you're a Timber Fists player thinking: “My Sprites are great at healing, but not really at fighting... is there anything I can do about that?” Well then I've got good news! Green Grables can heal friendly wrestlers, and still deal out damage like an Amazonian! It's like someone (me) took the two best facets of your team and smushed them together. You're welcome. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: The Ceneleon (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesPart-time wrestler, part-time movie-star, and all-time badass! The Ceneleon is here to fight! Uhh... we think he's here anyway. Sometimes it's hard to tell. Can you see him? Not likely! The Ceneleon is a superlative Superstar, although has a habit of shrinking away from the crowd... only to reappear where his foes least expect it! With +1s on all stats, you can rely on The Ceneleon to get the job done. And when he's finished with doing the job, he can turn entirely invisible! Your opponents will struggle to hit him (only Rope attacks and Live Ammunition can target him), which allows him to skitter away at the end of the round. And don't even think about going after him with a lesser wrestler; any weak attack will send them spiralling as The Ceneleon RKOs them outta nowhere! Contains 1 resin miniature, 1 character card, and 1 clear acrylic base. Acrylic bases will have coloured film on that needs removing before assembly. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: The Thespian (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesThe Thespian’s fame started before he entered the RUMBLESLAM arena. He was a talented and promising young actor; many believed he would become the next big theatre star. As his success grew, so did his ego, along with a terrible rage if things did not go the way he wanted. It is even rumored that he had a theatre critic killed because of a bad revue of one of his performances. The rumours forced The Thespian to seek out other arenas where he could make a name for himself, his newfound taste for physical pain not something found in the theatre world. The Thespian is a superstar like no other. A great statline is complemented by some fantastic special abilities, including a Crowd Pleaser that gives all friendly wrestlers +1AP, and an Active Ability that knocks enemy wrestlers’ attacks down when targeting The Thespian, as well as boosting his Attack up too! More than anything though, Intimidating Aura defines what The Thespian is all about. When rolling Crowd dice (for whatever reason), a Boo helps you out by giving -1AP counters to your opponents, but a Blank automatically ends his activation. The Thespian doesn’t care if the crowd are cheering or booing, but hates it when they’re not paying attention to him! As a Free Agent, The Thespian will go in any team, provided they can give him his moment in the spotlight! His Crowd Pleaser, speed, and all round usefulness really benefit most teams, but particularly The Deadly Divas, as the Entertainer can really help him get the attention of his fans! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Fable (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesWhat is that in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a dragon? No! It’s Fable! His entrance into RUMBLESLAM is still spoken about to this day. It was during a match in which The Statesman was being beaten into the canvas by dirty tactics and unfair odds. Fable descended from high among the rigging overhead. The Divine Defender twisted through the air, wings pulled tight around himself before a spear of light smashed the opponents. A frantic roar filled the stadium as Fable single-handedly won the match! Flying down from on high, Fable is here to leap off turnbuckle after turnbuckle. He moves fast, he hits hard, and he has so many synergistic abilities. Get this: if he starts his activation on a turnbuckle, he may move to a different one for free (thanks to Gives You Wings). Then use his Angelic Double Axe Handle to deliver a heap of damage on your opponent (who can be across the entire ring thanks to High Flyer). If you pass his Crowd Pleaser, he gets back up onto a turnbuckle again, and if he fails, he gets Bounceback 2 back to safety instead! So you can almost always do a Turnbuckle Ability every round of the game. That’s pretty amazing! Fable is a Free Agent, sent from above to help the worthy. Well, those that are worthy enough to pay his Dosh cost! Use him in any team without losing your Sponsorship Bonus. Try boosting the already potent Turnbuckle abilities of The Deadly Divas or The Timber Fists, or add some fast moving support to any other team! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Dicephaurux (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesThe man now known as Dicephaurux was once a proud and powerful warlord. His arrogance was so great that he couldn’t stand the idea of being weaker, slower or less intelligent than anyone else. It was this hubris that lead him and his servant to the abandoned shrine of an unknown god to wish for power. Offering vast riches to the altar, he begged for the power of two men so that he would never again be lesser! Pain blossomed inside his chest and he passed out from the agony. Waking, the man rose to find himself large beyond belief! But as he looked about he saw the grotesque head of his manservant beside his own, melded into his own body and bearing a vacant expression. Wow! Look at all those Gold dice! Dicephaurux is truly the golden god. Dicephaurux is tall and lanky, with no meat on his bones! That means low Stamina, but he’s really reliable with so many Gold dice and +1s as well. His Better Than One ability allows him to ignore the first attack that would KO him, so he’s not frail! He can also boost up his attacks with Bleeding and Dazed or Fury depending on which of the Two Heads you choose, so he’s a character with lots of options. If you want to bring some bling to your Feral Den teams, look no further! Or if you’re after a wrestler you can rely on for a very low cost, he’s a great choice! Try him with The Green Bruisers, or The Furry Fury to offset their unpredictability! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £10.00.£7.99Current price is: £7.99. -
Sold out
Rumbleslam: Fang (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesA vampire older than record books, this dark denizen of the night has plagued the land for millennium. For a while, that was enough to entertain the ancient entity. But like all things, the shine soon left the apple. He would sleep, and hope that the next century would be of more interest. One hundred years passed before his eyes opened once more. Awake, thirsty and eager to see what new delights the world had to offer, Fang ventured out into realm to find the city streets alight with life! The sound of cheers met his ears, and he grew curious enough to venture inside a building. What greeted him was Rumbleslam! For the first time in hundreds of years, the wicked man smiled. Fang has entered the ring! He's a fantastic all-rounder superstar, with decent stats and a couple of +1s on his card. He's fast and vicious! Superhuman Spinebreaker is a Grapple Ability you'll be using lots and lots. It's easy to do, and thanks to Fang's Vampirism Passive Ability, replenishes his Stamina at the same time. But that's not all, because if you pass a Crowd Pleaser, the whole team gain the same benefit! Fang obviously fits in perfectly with The Cryptborn Nightmares, boosting their already decent regenerative capabilities and their reliance on grapple attacks. But he's also a great choice for any team with lower Stamina – The Deadly Divas and The Twisted Shadows come to mind – as his constant replenishing can make up for their main weakness! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Lord of Anarchy (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesThis dwarf has managed to break every single rule in the Rumbleslam handbook during his career in the ring. It was apparent when he joined that he wouldn’t conform to the social norm that was expected of wrestlers, but Gomorrah saw a spark inside him that they knew would draw in a crowd. A member of a notorious biker gang, he was known as Lord of Anarchy long before becoming a star. A mean biker dwarf! Just when you thought they'd all been eaten by aliens. Wait, what? Nothing. Lord of Anarchy has the typical Dwarfen hardiness and lack of speed, but also adds in a stunning offensive capability. Choke Chain is a Grapple attack that gets straight through your opponent's GRP stat, cutting out on their dice to deliver its punch. And Falling Angel can up its already potent Shove 4 special rule into a Throw 2 after a successful Crowd Pleaser, which can single-handedly win you games! Where else would a Dwarf like this live if not the depths of Gomorrah? Get over your prejudices and include him in a Twisted Shadows team for some sturdiness, or pair him with The Timber Fists as a rough and ready bodyguard for your Sprites! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Lumberjacked (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesJack fights for revenge. Growing up Jack loved nature and lived in peace with his woodcutter father. That is until his father was taken from him. One fateful day he found his father tied to a tree with thorny vines. Voices echoed from the nearby trees telling him to leave their woods. A dryad. Years later he took part in the destruction of that forest and helped build the new casino upon it. It was during this work he found out the dryad had not only survived, but had entered the ring! He's a lumberjack in a wrestling mask! What more could you want? A cheap wrestler with one of the best Grapple stats in the game? Oh okay then, we'll give him that too. The single problem you'll find when using Lumberjacked is that you just won't have enough AP to do everything you need him to! He's brilliant at throwing enemies out of the ring, but his Sleeper Hold All Night and Caber Toss special abilities are both extremely useful. His Deforestation Passive Ability makes him even better at punching out wrestlers from his most hated of casinos, The Forest Soul. As a Kaiser's Palace wrestler, Lumberjacked fits brilliantly with The Heavy Pounders. He also does very well with The Furry Fury, who sometimes need a little help with their grappling! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Trojan (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesRUMBLESLAM is filled with proud warriors itching to test their mettle against strong opponents, but few are more proud than Trojan. He comes from a land ravaged by war and conflict, a land that forged him into the weapon he is today. A natural leader, frightening tactician and mighty combatant, Trojan fights with a casual ease that makes even the most confident of opponents take heed. The pressure this superstar emits in the ring has been known to steal the senses from his foes. In fact, in an after match interview one of his victim’s spoke of the experience: “I couldn’t see, couldn’t hear and couldn’t think. I-I was just, there. Just there waiting for him to finish me off." The dour Trojan is as reliable a wrestler as they come, doing well in any situation he finds himself in. For a measly 275K you're getting a great all-rounder who is almost impossible to throw out. His special abilities really shine through though. They're subtle, but can make all the difference in a match. Gift Horse is a great Turnbuckle Ability, as if it is successful, the target loses any active Crowd Pleaser bonuses. That's a BIG DEAL, particularly against certain superstars that shall remain nameless – it's Phage. I'm talking about Phage. Finally, his Blind, Deaf, or Dumb Passive Ability means you select an enemy wrestler to receive a de-buff for that round. You can lower their DEF, stop their Crowd Pleasers doing anything (take that Phage! I hate you so much), or – and this is the big one – make a wrestler lose every special rule from all of their abilities. Trojan is a man without a casino. A Free Agent can be taken by any team without losing their sponsorship bonus, so feel free to add him anywhere! The subtle effects of his abilities mean he is a really useful wrestler to have in reserve. If you know you'll be facing lots of superstars, he's a really invaluable asset to any team! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99.
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