One Piece Card Game: York Uta Deck Battle Event – Friday 9th February
Welcome to our first ever OFFICIAL One Piece Card Game Deck Battle event at EH Gaming in York…and we kick off by showcasing and fighting with the brand new Uta Starter Deck (ST-11).
Friday 9th February is the date and we hope to see you there – here are the details:
Registration: 6.30pm to 7pm
Round One: 7.05pm
Entry: £12.50 which includes your Uta Starter Deck (ST-11)
In this deck battle, players are given the new Uta Starter Deck to compete with. As a souvenir for participating, players will also receive a 8-card participation pack that contains cards that can be combined with the Uta deck. This is a very beginner-friendly event.
This will be a Standard Swiss format Tournament over three or four rounds (depends on player numbers).
Each round will last 35 minutes and play to a ‘Best of One’ format, with extra time of 5 minutes (for extra turns, etc.)
Please also register for the event on the TCG+ app after booking your ticket on here – this is not essential though.
Each participant will receive 1 Participation Pack
The Winner will also receive a P-061 Monkey.D.Luffy Winner stamped card
NB: Tickets MUST be booked ahead of the event and no walk-ins are available on the day.
If the event sells out please contact us to be placed on the waiting list.
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