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Bolt Action

  • Sale
    Bolt Action Bedford QLT Troop Transport
    Bolt Action Bedford QLT Troop Transport

    Bolt Action: Bedford QLT Troop Transport

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    This box contains one plastic Bedford QLT troop transport, and a sprue of seated British infantry passengers to fit in the rear. Packed with fantastic, crisp detail, and able to be assembled with the canvas-covered cargo bay in multiple configurations, it’s a must-have addition for anyone fielding a British force in Bolt Action and wanting some extra mobility on the tabletop! The troop transport version of the legendary Bedford QL series of lorries, the QLT was the iconic British truck of the Second World War, and these rugged, dependable vehicles would serve ably throughout the conflict. Unarmoured, with a simple canvas tilt to provide some protection from the elements, and capable of mounting a Bren gun for self-defence, these trusty workhorses would cover countless miles delivering troops and supplies wherever they were needed. No British Bolt Action collection is complete without at least one Bedford! Serving virtually everywhere British forces went around the world, the painting and modelling options included in this kit are almost endless, making it a perfect opportunity to really go to town and create a standout visual centrepiece for your collection!
    Original price was: £26.00.Current price is: £20.80.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action Hungarian Parachute Assault Section
    Bolt Action Hungarian Parachute Assault Section

    Bolt Action: Hungarian Parachute Assault Section

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    The 1st Hungarian Parachute Battalion was formed in 1940 with transportation provided by the national airline Mágyar Légiforgalmi R.t. They saw their first combat experience against Yugoslavia in 1941 where they captured the Franz Josef Canal after some initial mishaps. The paratroopers did not see combat again until the 19 December 1944 when, as part of the elite Szent László Division, they were deployed as emergency troops to plug gaps in the Budapest defence rings. The Regiment suffered heavy losses but was praised in German Army despatches for its aggressive fighting spirit against overwhelming Soviet attacks. Even after the fall of Budapest the paratroopers, who were then incorporated into the elite Szent László Division, fought the Soviets all the way into Austria as they were pushed back, eventually surrendering to the Americans. Contains ten metal figures and plastic bases:
    • 1 NCO with SMG
    • 2-man LMG team
    • 3 paratroopers with rifles (1 also has a panzerfaust)
    • 4 paratroopers with SMG (1 also has a panzerfaust)
    Original price was: £26.50.Current price is: £21.20.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action Hungarian Army Support Group
    Bolt Action Hungarian Army Support Group

    Bolt Action: Hungarian Army Support Group

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    Available in this neat box set, the Hungarian Army Support Group - grab yourself the new Hungarian HQ, Medium Machine Gun and Medium Mortar! Hungarian Army HQ Since 1872, the Ludovica Military Academy had been turning out competent and efficient officers and graduated the majority of officers for the Hungarian Army. A core of competent and educated officers struggled to handle the large expansion of the Hungarian Army to meet the needs of the Eastern Front. The Hungarians enjoyed a professional and experienced core of staff officers. Hungarian Army Medium Machine Gun Team The Schwarzlose 7/31M machine gun was used extensively in World War I and put to use right away in the new conflict. Hungarian Army Medium Mortar Team Like virtually all nations, the Hungarians adopted a medium mortar based on the French Brandt 81.4mm. The 36/39M was common throughout the Hungarian Defence Force and employed modern shaped charges to good effect.
    Original price was: £29.50.Current price is: £23.60.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action Hungarian Army Weapons Teams
    Bolt Action Hungarian Army Weapons Teams

    Bolt Action: Hungarian Army Weapons Teams

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    Infantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing as they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Anti-tank teams and flamethrower teams are among the most prevalent, presenting your opponent with multiple challenges to overcome. The Panzerschreck was one of many man-portable anti-tank weapons developed to combat the increasingly thick armour of tanks. The Panzerschreck’s 88mm shaped-charge rocket could penetrate all but the heaviest Soviet tanks, and was increasingly available in the Hungarian Army as the war dragged on. The Solothurn anti-tank rifle was a cross between a true anti-tank rifle and a light anti-tank gun. Featuring a light wheeled carriage and a magazine-feed, the Soloturn could achieve a rate of fire of up to 20 rounds per minute. Flamethrowers – Flammenwerfer – were used through the war and were often employed against buildings or fortifications, they could even be deployed in an anti-tank role in desperate circumstances. Such weapons were used by most nations throughout the war, with the Hungarian Army being no exception. Contains the following Warlord Resin Plus figures:
    • 2-man Panzerschreck team
    • 2-man Anti-tank Rifle team
    • 2-man Flamethrower team
    Original price was: £16.00.Current price is: £12.80.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action US Army Infantry Platoon (Winter)
    Bolt Action US Army Infantry Platoon (Winter)

    Bolt Action: US Army Infantry Platoon (Winter)

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    As the US Army advanced through France towards Germany, they would be faced with not only fierce German resistance, but also increasingly harsh weather. The winter of 1944-45 was a cold one in north-west Europe, and the GIs who would find themselves in desperate combat during the Battle of the Bulge in the forests of the Ardennes would discover that the weather was almost as much of a foe as the enemy troops. Digging into the frozen ground became incredibly difficult, and the men were grateful for every piece of winter clothing they could get their hands on. Contents:
    • 30x US Army Rangers in Winter Uniform Miniatures (six dynamically posed bodies, twelve unique head options, including helmets with camouflage covers and netting, a variety of weapons and extra details
    Original price was: £37.00.Current price is: £29.60.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action Hungarian Army Honved Division Section
    Bolt Action Hungarian Army Honved Division Section

    Bolt Action: Hungarian Army Honved Division Section

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    The encirclement battles of Debrecen and holding the Transylvanian mountain passes at Tordá were the finest hour of the Royal Hungarian Army. The stout Hungarian riflemen had a long military tradition dating back to the Austrian Hapsburg Empire. Commonly known as a Honved (Homeland defender) their number peaked at over 1 million men under arms during the battle for Hungary itself in 1944, where recent modernising efforts allowed them to hold their own against the invading Soviet and Romanian forces. Contains these metal models:
    • 1 NCO with SMG
    • 2-man LMG team
    • 5 soldiers armed with rifles
    • 2 soldiers armed with rifle and panzerfaust
    • Plastic bases
    Original price was: £26.50.Current price is: £21.20.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action German Heer Winter Starter Army
    Bolt Action German Heer Winter Starter Army

    Bolt Action: German Heer Winter Starter Army

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    Adolf Hitler's aggressive campaign across the world ensured his troops would face the enemy in all environments and climates. None were more unforgiving than the harsh winters on the Eastern Front or in the Italian hills and mountains. The resourceful German Lander often had to make do with little more than their standard-issue woollen greatcoat gloves, scarves and a steely determination to not stave off only the cold, but also be able to fight and win. This boxed set is a great starting point for a Winter German Heer force, whether you intend to campaign in the Battle of the Bulge, the cold Italian winters, or the bitter struggle on the Ostfront. With a strong base of infantry at its core, supported by powerful German armour and weapons teams, you’ll have a visually striking force ready to tackle US, British or Soviet opponents. Box contains:
    • 48 plastic Infantry in greatcoats
    • 1 metal German HQ
    • 1 metal MMG Team
    • 1 metal Medium Mortar Team
    • 1 plastic Opel Blitz/Maultier
    • 1 plastic Panzer IV
    Original price was: £104.00.Current price is: £83.20.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action British & Inter-Allied Commandos Starter Army
    Bolt Action British & Inter-Allied Commandos Starter Army

    Bolt Action: British & Inter-Allied Commandos Starter Army

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    Commandos fought in campaigns in Europe, Burma, Africa and earned battle honours for many famous actions including arguably the greatest raid of all – St Nazaire. Commandos were fielded in many different ways – from units of less than a full section up to full assault divisions depending on the task at hand. Superbly trained, aggressive in action, well-equipped and deadly in hand-to-hand combat the Commandos were rightly feared by their German, Italian and Japanese foes. Contains:
    • 36 multi-pose hard plastic commandos
    • One Centaur IV close support tank (resin & metal)
    • Metal miniatures for:
      • two officers
      • one medic
      • one radio operator
      • one medium mortar team
      • one MMG team
    • Also includes plastic bases, decals, stat card and vehicle damage markers.
    Original price was: £69.00.Current price is: £55.20.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action British Royal Navy Section
    Bolt Action British Royal Navy Section

    Bolt Action: British Royal Navy Section

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    The British Royal Navy has a centuries-long distinguished history and a reputation for excellence. During the early 20th century Britannia continued to rule the waves. Spread around the globe, Royal Navy ships were able to put ashore units of armed sailors as landing parties, shore patrols or in boarding actions against other vessels. Armed primarily with the reliable Lee Enfield rifle and often supported by a Lewis machine gun, sections of highly disciplined and well-equipped naval ratings with considerable experience of close combat fighting are a fearsome opponent. As the Second World War progressed this role would also be taken on by Khaki-uniformed Royal Navy Commando or Royal Marine sections though naval shore parties were still in action throughout the war. Clad in their dark blue uniforms and 1908 pattern webbing these Jack Tars will provide a dash of colour to an otherwise khaki British force. Contains 10 metal figures - 1 petty officer with SMG, 2-man Lewis Gun LMG team and 7 sailors with rifles (3 with Molotov cocktails), plastic bases and 1 Bolt Action order dice.
    Original price was: £26.50.Current price is: £21.20.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action Italian Alpini Mountain Troops
    Bolt Action Italian Alpini Mountain Troops

    Bolt Action: Italian Alpini Mountain Troops

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    Known as Le Penne Nere (the black feathers), after the distinctive raven feather in their headgear, the Alpini are the Italian Army’s elite specialists in mountain warfare. Created by Royal decree no. 1056 in 1872, they are the oldest mountain specialists in the world. During the war, Italian Alpini divisions saw combat in Albania, France, Greece and Yugoslavia, as well as in the Soviet Union and even as far afield as East Africa. After the armistice in 1943, the 3rd Alpini Division joined the Allied cause while the 4th Alpini Division continued to fight alongside Germany. Contains:
    • Enough plastic components to make 30 Alpini miniatures.
    • Includes a host of options to allow for different weapon configurations and command models.
    • Options for M33 steel helmets or alpine caps.
    • Weapons included: M91/41 rifle, M91/38 Carcano Cavalry Carbine, M38A Beretta SMG, M38 Carcano carbine, M1934 9mm Beretta pistol, Breda M30 LMG and combat knives.
    • Plastic bases.
    • Assembly leaflet.
    • Full-colour waterslide decals
    Original price was: £37.00.Current price is: £29.60.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action Italian Alpini Support Group
    Bolt Action Italian Alpini Support Group

    Bolt Action: Italian Alpini Support Group

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    Containing a medium machine gun team, a medium mortar team, two officers, a medic helping a comrade, and a radio operator that would serve well as a forward observer, this Support Group boxed set is the ideal basis of an Italian Alpini Heavy Weapons Platoon! It also provides you with three Bolt Action Order Dice to use them in game. Breda M37 Medium Machine Gun Team (0-5 per Heavy Weapons Platoon): The most successful and most commonly used machine gun in Italian service was the Breda M37 8mm air-cooled weapon. A medium machine gun team is capable of laying down a withering hail of fire, the bane of enemy infantry caught out in the open. Medium Mortar team (0-5 per Heavy Weapons Platoon): Like so many nations, the Italian Army made good use of mortars, such as the Mortaio da 81/14 Modello. A medium mortar lobs shells high over the battlefield. Inaccurate at first, they range in over the course of a game, provided their targets don’t move, of course. HQ (1 Officer Team per Platoon, 0-1 Medic per Rifle Platoon, 0-1 Forward Observer per Rifle Platoon): For every platoon in your army, you’ll need a Platoon Commander. This box contains two officers, which can be used as commanders for any platoon type, a forward observer, which could easily act as spotter or as a an extra man in your officer team, and a medic to serve in a Rifle Platoon. Box contains four metal Italian HQ figures, one metal Breda M37 Medium Machine Gun with three Italian Alpini crew, one metal Medium Mortar with three Italian Alpini crew, three Bolt Action Order dice, and plastic bases.
    Original price was: £29.50.Current price is: £23.60.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action Italian Alpini Weapons Teams
    Bolt Action Italian Alpini Weapons Teams

    Bolt Action: Italian Alpini Weapons Teams

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    Infantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing great tactical flexibility for your force. This boxed set provides your Italian Alpini army with three of the most prevalent and useful such teams, as well as Bolt Action Order Dice to field them, arming you with the tools to tackle a variety of battlefield situations, and presenting your opponent with multiple challenges to overcome. It contains: Anti-Tank Team (0-1 per Rifle Platoon or 0-3 per Heavy Weapons Platoon): The Solothurn anti-tank rifle was a cross between a true anti-tank rifle and a light anti-tank gun. Anti-tank teams are ideally suited for hunting lighter enemy vehicles, like transports, armoured cars and light tanks. Sniper Team (0-1 per Rifle Platoon): The Italian army had no specialist sniper rifle, but a skilled marksman could make any scoped rifle deadly enough. In Bolt Action, snipers are accurate, long-range weapons that deny their targets the benefits of cover, and can pick out enemy squad leaders and NCOs from within a squad. Light Mortar Team (0-2 per Rifle Platoon or 0-5 per Heavy Weapons Platoon): The Brixia 45mm light mortar was a powerful and successful weapon in the hands of properly trained soldiers. Light mortars lob shells high over the field, at a relatively short range. Though they are inaccurate at first (not that a lucky six won’t result in an early hit!) they get more accurate as they range in, provided the target stays put! They are also capable of firing smoke shells to lay down a smoke screen for your troops as they advance. Box contains six Warlord Resin Italian Alpini figures, three Bolt Action Order dice, and plastic bases.
    Original price was: £16.00.Current price is: £12.75.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action Puma Sd.Kfz 234/2 Armoured Car
    Bolt Action Puma Sd.Kfz 234/2 Armoured Car

    Bolt Action: Puma Sd.Kfz 234/2 Armoured Car

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    The Puma is, arguably, one of the best-looking armoured cars of WWII. A variant of the Sdkfz 234 it boasted a fully enclosed turret with a 5cm gun and thicker armour than other variants. Despite this additional armour the Puma was still capable of speeds greater than 50 miles per hour (that's 85km) and saw use as a scout vehicle from 1943 onwards on both Eastern and Western fronts, as even the thickened armour didn't offer much in the way of protection. The fully enclosed turret of the Puma variant had a KwK 30 50mm gun. This vehicle can also be used in games of Achtung Panzer!, the game of close-quarters tank-on-tank combat, its rules can be found in the Achtung Panzer! rulebook.
    Original price was: £22.00.Current price is: £17.60.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action British Commandos Support Group
    Bolt Action British Commandos Support Group

    Bolt Action: British Commandos Support Group

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    This set contains:
    • 1 x Commando HQ
    • 1 x Forward observer
    • 1 x Commando Medium Machine Gun Team
    • 1 x Commando Medium Mortar Team
    HQ The middle ranks of officers were almost invariably drawn from the upper-middle classes: educated in the public schools, instilled with the values of empire, and imbued with a sense of confidence, duty and resolve that is difficult to conceive of today. An officer unit consists of the man himself and can include up to two other men acting as his immediate attendants. FOO Forward observers are liaison officers responsible for coordinating the attack of heavy artillery batteries from behind the lines or aircraft strikes. Medium Machine Gun Team A .303 Vickers water-cooled machine gun offered fire support to infantry units. This was another weapon of World War I vintage that soldiered on through World War II and beyond, proving extremely effective at laying down continuous fire over a long range. A typical team consisted of a lance corporal gunner, a loader and an ammunition bearer. Medium Mortar Team The 3-inch mortar was used to provide support from up to 3,000 yards dependent upon the projectile used. The 3-inch mortar was operated by a crew of 3.
    Original price was: £29.50.Current price is: £23.60.
  • Sale
    Bolt Action British Airborne WWII Allied Paratroopers
    Bolt Action British Airborne WWII Allied Paratroopers

    Bolt Action: British Airborne WWII Allied Paratroopers

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    Few divisions in the British Army have earned such a valorous reputation so quickly as the Parachute Division. Known as the Red Devils by the Germans for their trademark maroon beret and dogged fighting ability, the British airborne grew into a force to be reckoned with, whether delivered by Dakota aircraft, Horsa glider or as front line shock troops. This box set contains:
    • Enough plastic components to make 30 British or Polish Airborne miniatures. Includes a host of options to allow for different weapon configurations and command models.
    • Plenty of equipment including: Lee Enfield rifle, Mk V Sten Gun, Bren gun LMG, scoped Lee Enfield rifle, PIAT, Webley pistol, Mills Bomb hand grenades.
    • Round plastic bases (25mm diameter).
    • Full-colour waterslide decal sheet
    • Construction leaflet.
    Original price was: £37.00.Current price is: £29.60.