Bolt Action: British Army Support Group
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesThe British Tommy faced his Axis adversaries throughout the war with tenacity, bravery and his legendary love of a 'brew'. After years of fighting in North Africa and the Far East the British Army set foot back in Europe with the invasion of Sicily and Italy. In 1944 they spearheaded the D-Day landings in Normandy before pushing on into the German homeland and ultimate victory. British soldiers made good use of the water-cooled Vickers machine gun - the same weapon their fathers use in the Great War - and the 3" mortar. Contains:Original price was: £29.50.£23.60Current price is: £23.60.- 2 officers
- 1 Medic
- 1 Forward Observer
- 1 medium mortar team
- 1 Vickers MMG team
- Bases
Bolt Action: Churchill Tank
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesThe Churchill, undoubtedly one of the most successful and famous British tanks of the Second World War. The British Army adopted a doctrine centered around the use of light, fast 'Cruiser Tanks' coupled with slow, better armed and armoured 'Infantry Tanks', that would be used to smash the enemy defences with infantry support... and the Churchill was a prime example of the latter - one of the heaviest Allied tanks of the war, it featured thicker frontal armour than that even of the Tiger! Although it suffered from being under-armed, a defect common to most British armoured vehicles of the period, it was nevertheless loved by its crews: its cross-country ability was unrivalled and it was less inclined to ‘brew-up’ from a direct hit than the Sherman. In this plastic kit from Warlord and Italari you'll get 7 turret variations (yes - we said SEVEN!) allowing you to build the following marks:Original price was: £25.00.£19.99Current price is: £19.99.- MkIII - with 6pdr gun
- MkIV - Cast turret with 6 pdr gun
- MkV - Cast turret with 95m Howitzer
- MkVI - Cast turret and Welded turret with 75mm gun
- NA 75
- AVRE (Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers) with 290mm Petard Mortar (aka the flying dustbin!)
Bolt Action: Cromwell Cruiser Tank
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesThe most produced Cruiser tank of the European theatre! Armed with a potent 75mm gun and with good cross country performance this vehicle was more than a match for the venerable Panzer IV! Though sadly it was still outclassed by the German "Big Cats" Cromwells were used in the 7th armoured division and in the armoured recce regts of the Guards and 11th Armoured Divisions. Even the 6th Airborne armoured recce regt acquired about 8 Cromwells in Normandy and kept hold of them during the Winter fighting in "The Bulge". Normally a troop would comprise 3 Cromwells and a Firefly. The new kit includes an optional Culin Prong hedgerow cutter for those of you wanting to burst through the Normandy bocage! It also comes with a full-colour waterslide decal sheet with many options in terms of the formation you can build - British, Canadian and Polish units are included. This vehicle can also be used in games of Achtung Panzer!, the game of close-quarters tank-on-tank combat, its rules can be found in the Achtung Panzer! rulebook.Original price was: £25.00.£19.99Current price is: £19.99. -
Bolt Action: British BEF Weapons Teams
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesInfantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing as they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Sniper teams, light mortar teams and anti-tank teams are among the most prevalent, presenting your opponent with multiple challenges to overcome. Contains three Bolt Action Order Dice and the following Warlord Resin Plus figures:Original price was: £16.00.£12.80Current price is: £12.80.- 2-man Light Mortar team
- 2-man Sniper team
- 2-man Anti-tank rifle team
Bolt Action: British BEF Support Group
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesThe British Expeditionary Force was an army of nearly a third of a million troops sent out to France to try to resist aggression from Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. Allied with Belgium and powerful French forces, it fielded ten infantry divisions, artillery, tank brigades and supporting air squadrons. This box set is the perfect expansion to your Early War BEF Army, led by dependable officers, and with weaponry with a proven track record such as the Vickers MMG and 3" mortar. Contains:Original price was: £29.50.£23.60Current price is: £23.60.- 2 officers
- 1 Medic
- 1 Forward Observer
- 1 medium mortar team
- 1 MMG Team
- Bases
Bolt Action: British BEF Infantry Section
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesThe British Expeditionary Force was an army of nearly a third of a million troops sent out to France to try to resist aggression from Adolf Hitler's Third Reich. Allied with Belgium and powerful French forces, it fielded ten infantry divisions, artillery, tank brigades and supporting air squadrons. General Lord Gort’s BEF fought well, but were outmanoeuvred all too often, leading to tactical withdrawal and the heroic but tragic retreat at Dunkirk during May and June of 1940. This box set contains a metal 10-man section:Original price was: £26.50.£21.20Current price is: £21.20.- NCO with rifle
- 2-men Bren gun LMG team
- 7 riflemen
Sold out
Bolt Action: British & Inter-Allied Commandos
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesThe Commandos established an extraordinary reputation for dash and bravery in World War II. Formed in 1940 by order of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill with the express goal of taking the fight back to the apparently unstoppable German armed forces that had thrown the British Expeditionary Force out of France with such apparent ease. An all-volunteer force, they recruited from all parts of the armed services. Indeed there were Army commandos, Naval commandos and the Inter-Allied Commando regiment which included nationalities such as the Belgians, Polish, Dutch and others. Commandos fought in campaigns in Europe, Burma, Africa and earned battle honours for many famous actions including arguably the greatest raid of all – St Nazaire. Commandos were fielded in many different ways - from units of less than a full section up to full assault divisions depending on the task at hand. Superbly trained, aggressive in action, well-equipped and deadly in hand-to-hand combat the Commandos were rightly feared by their German, Italian and Japanese foes. Contains thirty plastic figures, bases and decalsOriginal price was: £37.00.£29.60Current price is: £29.60. -
Black Powder Epic Battles: American Civil War Guts & Glory Starter Set
Black Powder, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesIn 1861, the Southern States saw Abraham Lincoln’s election to President of the fledgling United States of America as a direct threat to their states' rights and way of life. America was united no more, the Union split as a new Confederate States of America was formed in the South, starting the American Civil War. Lincoln, determined to preserve the Union and end slavery, raised the Army of the Potomac and throughout the nation brother fought brother. Over the next four terrible long years American armies tramped across American fields and burnt American farms as Americans killed Americans in a war the likes of which the nation had never seen before. The Epic Battles system allows for gamers to refight these battles on a huge scale. The game is based on the familiar award-winning Black Powder rules system, with a few period-flavour tweaks to cement the battles in the ideologies of American Civil War doctrines. Guts & Glory contains:Original price was: £89.00.£71.20Current price is: £71.20.- Plastic figures and bases for 6 infantry regiments, 1 Zouave regiment, 1 cavalry regiment, 1 dismounted cavalry regiment, 1 skirmishers regiment, 6 cannon & 6 mounted commanders
- A5 Black Powder rulebook
- 36-page American Civil War background, scenario and supplemental rule booklet
- Flag sheets for both Union and Confederate forces
- Laser-cut MDF Dutch-style barn
- Laser-cut MDF Snake fences
- Six D6 dice
Bolt Action: Soviet Airborne Squad
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesThe Soviets were visionaries in the development of airborne troops and tactics, first forming a brigade-sized airborne unit after successful trials in December 1932. More units followed and by June 1941 five Airborne Corps existed in the Soviet order of battle, undoubtedly the strongest airborne force in the world. However in the desperate fighting of the early campaign these formations were pressed into service as regular infantry and virtually consumed. Airborne troops were finally dropped in battalion strength during the defence of Moscow during December 1941 and January 1942. An entire corps (the 4th) was dropped operationally in February 1942 but while it survived for six months in the German rear, it failed to achieve its objectives. The crisis at Stalingrad then pulled in all available airborne troops to fight as regular infantry again. Soviet airborne troops always fought with tremendous courage and elan, but lacked heavy anti-tank weapons and were badly supported in every operation they attempted. Contains 10 metal Soviet Airborne figures:Original price was: £26.50.£21.20Current price is: £21.20.- NCO with SMG
- 4 paratroopers with SMG
- 3 paratroopers with rifles
- 2-man LMG team
- Plastic bases
Bolt Action: British Airborne 75mm Pack Howitzer
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesBritish airborne paratroopers with 75mm pack howitzer. Contains 1 metal gun and 3 crew.Original price was: £19.00.£15.25Current price is: £15.25. -
Bolt Action: Finnish Rifle Squad (Continuation War)
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesThe vast Soviet military machine that invaded Finland during the Winter War of 1939-1940 was stunned by the lightly armed but intensely motivated and skilled Finnish troops. The Soviets were outfought despite hugely superior weight of numbers. Although eventually seeking terms the Finns had delivered a harsh lesson to their rapacioius neighbours. When the Soviet Union - having by then joined the Allies - again attacked in 1941, the Finns were left with little option but to side with Germany in a conflict known as the Continuation War, making good use of German weaponry. The Finns were masters of fieldcraft, sniping, and small unit tactics that hit hard then disappeared into the dense forests. Their weapons were light but used with great dexterity, and many made use of captured Russian kit as there was always plenty left behind after the Finns had struck! These miniatures are mostly dressed in standard issue M36 tunic and armed with a variety of Finnish weaponry and so are most suitable for use in Continuation War (1941-1944) against the might of the Soviet Union. Dig in and stop the arrogant Russians marching into brave Finland! Contains a 9-man Rifle Squad:Original price was: £26.50.£21.25Current price is: £21.25.- NCO and 1 soldier with SMGs
- 1 soldier with Lahti-Saloranta M/26 light machine gun
- 6 Riflemen (1 with Molotov Cocktail)
Bolt Action: Germany Fallschirmjäger Weapons Teams
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesInfantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing as they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Sniper teams, anti-tank teams and flamethrower teams are among the most prevalent, presenting your opponent with multiple challenges to overcome. The Panzerschreck was a German development of the American bazooka, first encountered in North Africa, firing a large calibre shaped-charge rocket projectile. The back-blast from the weapon was so intense that early teams wore protective capes and masks – later a blast shield was fitted to the weapon giving it a distinctive appearance. The Panzerschreck and disposable anti-tank Panzerfaust had replaced the Panzerbüchse 39 anti-tank rifle by 1944. During the battle of Stalingrad, Russian snipers took such a heavy toll upon the beleaguered Wehrmacht that the Germans began to train and equip their own marksmen to undertake a specialist role as snipers. A variety of rifles were used for sniping, including the standard KAR-98K and the semi-automatic Gewehr 43, all fitted with the high quality ZF39 telescopic sight, and equipped with precision-manufactured ammunition. Flamethrowers – Flammenwerfer – were used through the war and were often employed against buildings or fortifications. During the latter part of the war, the Germans produced a lighter, smaller design that carried enough fuel for a single burst – effectively a one-shot flamethrower –the Eintossflammenwerfe. It is not known, however, whether this weapon was actually ever employed. Box contains:Original price was: £16.00.£12.80Current price is: £12.80.- Six Warlord Resin Figures
- Plastic Bases
- Three Order Dice
Bolt Action: Soviet Army Winter Weapons Teams
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesInfantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing as they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Sniper teams, flamethrower teams and light mortar teams are among the most prevalent, presenting your opponent with multiple challenges to overcome. Soviet propaganda lavished attention on successful snipers and encouraged a doctrine of ‘sniperism’ among the troops. Snipers used telescopic sights on either a bolt action Moisin-Nagant 1891/30, or, more rarely, a Tokarev SVT-40 smi-automatic rifle. The allocation of 50mm mortars was initially to individual teams at platoon level, but later they were more often concentrated together at company level for use en masse. The weapon was easily man-portable and could lay down a high explosive or smoke bombs at a range of over 800 yards. By far the most common Russian flamethrowers were the man-packed ROKS types. The ROKS-2 was designed with a fuel tank that looked like an ordinary backpack and a nozzle resembling a rifle, so as not to attract unwelcome attention on the battlefield. Contains the following Warlord Resin Plus figures:Original price was: £16.00.£12.75Current price is: £12.75.- Six Warlord Resin™ Figures
- Plastic Bases
- Three Order Dice
Bolt Action: Soviet Army Weapons Teams
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesInfantry weapons teams are a key component of any Bolt Action army, providing as they do great tactical flexibility for your force. Sniper teams, mortar teams and flamethrower teams are among the most prevalent, presenting your opponent with multiple challenges to overcome. The sniper became synonymous with the Red Army, particularly during the grim sieges of Stalingrad and Leningrad. ‘Sniper schools’ were established in bombed-out buildings and cellars, where successful snipers passed down their skills to ever-growing numbers of students – many of them women. The standard light mortar used by Russian infantry during World War II was the 50mm Infantry Mortar Model 1940 (50-PM 40), a cheaper version of the earlier model 1938, In addition, the Soviet army received considerable numbers of 2-inch mortars from Britain via Lend-Lease. The Soviets made great use of flamethrowers including FOG-1 static types dug in to cover bunkers and trenches. Due to shortcomings in developing other credible anti-tank weapons, Red Army doctrine placed strong emphasis on using flamethrowers as anti-tank as well as anti-infantry weapons. Contains the following Warlord Resin Plus figures:Original price was: £16.00.£12.75Current price is: £12.75.- 2-man Sniper team
- 2-man Light Mortar team
- 2-man Flamethrower team
Bolt Action: Soviet T-34/85 Medium Tank
Bolt Action, Tabletop Games, Warlord GamesThe T-34 series, with its sloping armour, changed the principles of tank design during the war. The sloping, angular layout of the T-34 increased the effective armour thickness and also saw a larger proportion of shells deflected away than penetrated its armour. The introduction of the T-34 into action saw German tank design follow suit with similarly angled armour on the likes of the Panther and King Tiger. As German tank design came to the fore, the Soviet war machine once again raised the bar with the T-34/85. The T-34/85, the very symbol of Soviet military strength in the Second World War, had a new turret to house the more powerful 85mm ZiS gun. A supremely rugged and reliable tank, the T-34/85 had excellent off-road capability, especially in the marshland or snow of the Eastern Front, and was easy for the crew to operate and maintain. Box contains 1 plastic tank, Bolt Action stat card, damage markers, leaflet and decal sheet. This vehicle can also be used in games of Achtung Panzer!, the game of close-quarters tank-on-tank combat, its rules can be found in the Achtung Panzer! rulebook.Original price was: £25.00.£19.99Current price is: £19.99.
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