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2000AD Miniatures Game

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    mutant army generals for strontium dog miniatures game

    Mutant Army Generals: Strontium Dog 2000AD Miniatures Game

    Due to Government minister Nelson Bunker Kreelman's anti-mutant laws, mutants are not allowed to hold down a job or even buy food for themselves. Confined to segregated ghettos and slums they live a miserable existence. Small wonder many of them flock to the New Mutant Army and hit back at their norm tormentors with guerilla raids before finally launching an all-out assault on the Palace of Upminster, the seat of the norm government. Each division of then Mutant Army is led by a fierce, charismatic figure such as this included in this set: Studs Boyce of the Midlands Divison, the Welsh Divisions Evans the Fist, Clacton Fuzz of the South-East Division and the Tyne-and-Weirdies led by The Torso from Newcastle. In overall command of the Mutant Army is the multi-limbed General Armz.
    Original price was: £28.00.Current price is: £16.99.
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    2000AD Strontium Dog Miniatures Game Wasters
    2000AD Strontium Dog Miniatures Game Wasters

    Strontium Dog 2000AD Miniatures Game: Wasters

    Often described as the worst of the worst, these wasters populate the Strontium Dog universe causing mayhem for either a quick buck or looking to do some serious harm. Functioning as the faceless bad guy, the wasters fill out all your notorious gangs and serve as your maniacal henchmen. NB: Models also suitable for the 2000AD Judge Dredd Miniatures Game.
    Original price was: £11.00.Current price is: £7.99.
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    Mork Riders Strontium Dog 2000AD Miniatures Game

    Strontium Dog 2000AD Miniatures Game: Mork Riders

    Bounty Hunters often need to track their quarry into the wildlands beyond towns and cities, and on many worlds the indigenous Morks are the mount of choice. These bipedal mammals combine speed and durability with a seemingly high tolerance of radiation making them ideal steeds for bounty hunter and outlaw alike. Mork farms are not an unusual sight in the homesteads on the fringes of civilisation. Johnny Alpha and his Viking partner Wulf Sternhammer make good use of Morks on many of their bounty-hunting jobs – from tackling the vicious alien outlaws Bubo and his gang of Howler Bad Boys to protecting alien farmsteaders from bullying neighbours intent on driving the Search/Destroy agents out. Allying speed and resilience, Morks can reliably get them to where they need to be - much to the chagrin of their quarry!
    Original price was: £21.50.Current price is: £14.99.
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    Bubo and the Bad Boys Strontium Dog miniatures game

    Strontium Dog: Bubo and the Bad Boys (Miniatures Expansion)

    Riding their bipedal Mork steeds, Bubo and his howler henchmen raided for valuables and for meat - they cooked and devoured their prisoners! This reign of terror finally led to the mayor of the latest town to be hit by Bubo's gang to call on the Search/Destroy agency to send help. That help materialised in the form of Johnny Alpha and his partner Wulf Sternhammer, who immediately set off on Bubo's trail... Johnny and Wulf caught up with the Bad Boys as they attacked a train heading from Jobsville. After a violent showdown Bubo tied the train’s throttle and it plunged off a bridge into the ravine below, trapping the unconscious Alpha. Wulf saved his partner, taking him to the nearest town for medical care before heading out to wreak bloody vengeance on Bubo and his Howler outlaws.
    Original price was: £28.00.Current price is: £16.99.
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    Strontium Dog: Search & Destroy! (Miniatures Expansion)

    Successful Search/Destroy agents rely on speed, cunning and firepower in equal measure. The ubiquitous skimmer provides high speed, all-terrain maneouvrability and is often the vehicle of choice for bounty hunters and outlaws alike. Also known as hover sleds or hov-bikes, skimmers are able to operate in high radiation areas where natural mounts such as Morks struggle. Johnny Alpha and his partner Wulf Sternhammer regularly tracked their quarry by skimmer and many an outlaw, criminal or alien fugitive from the law have been brought to justice as a result.
    Original price was: £19.50.Current price is: £12.99.