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Tabletop Games

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    Luke Cage & Iron Fist Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol
    Luke Cage & Iron Fist Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Luke Cage & Iron Fist Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol


    Jailed for a crime he didn’t commit, Harlem-born Carl Lucas agreed to undergo an experimental treatment designed to replicate the effects of the Super-Soldier serum that produced Captain America. As a result of the treatment, Carl’s skin became unbreakable, and his strength was amplified to superhuman levels. Now bulletproof and able to punch through four-inch-thick steel, Carl took on the name Luke Cage and became a hero dedicated to keeping his streets safe alongside his partner and friend Iron Fist.

    Born into privilege, Danny Rand’s life was forever changed when his parents were killed by a family friend. Fueled by a desire for revenge, Danny travelled to the mystical city of K’un-Lun. There, he trained under Lei Kung the Thunderer who turned him into a living weapon. As a final test, Danny challenged the dragon Shou-Lao and defeated him. Plunging his fist into the dragon’s molten heart, Danny became the bearer of the Iron Fist. After avenging his parents, Danny turned his life to serving others, becoming inseparable friends with Luke Cage as a Defender, Avenger, and a Hero for Hire.

    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £26.99.
  • Sold out
    Cable & Domino Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol
    Cable & Domino Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Cable & Domino Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol


    Cable, the son of the X-Men leader Cyclops, was sent to the future to save his life when he was infected by the deadly techno-organic virus. Raised by Clan Askani, Cable was able to use his own incredible mutant powers to keep the virus in check, though the constant strain limits him from reaching his true potential. Granted incredible telepathic and telekinetic powers from his mutation, Cable is also equipped with advanced weaponry and technology from the 38th century. Having travelled back in time, Cable now seeks to change the apocalyptic future from which he grew up and ensure a better world for all.

    Neena Thurman, a.k.a. Domino, was the product of an illicit government program whose goal was to create the ultimate mutant weapon. Unwilling to be a pawn of anyone, Domino escaped with the help of her powers and set out to find her own path in the world. With her ability to manipulate probability fields—ensuring things always go her way—and her extensive training in armed and unarmed combat, Domino became one of the most dangerous mercenaries in the world. Not long after, Domino found a new home and purpose as a hero as a mainstay member of X-Force.

    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £31.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Dweghom Flame Beserkers
    Conquest: Dweghom Flame Beserkers

    Conquest: Dweghom Flame Beserkers

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    Among the Ardent, Flame Berserkers are a small brotherhood who, gifted beyond their peers with the raw power of the Element of Fire, do not seek to master or tame it, but rather embody it. For most, this transition happens during the Dheukorro, the Descent, the trail of passage all Ardent must complete to prove their devotion. None speak of what happens in the deep, but when they return they are changed: their bodies sport crude implants that compensate for those losses they have suffered to foe or flame, while their obsidian arms and what little armour they bear are impervious to the flame and heat they generate. In their mind, the trade is a favourable one: life for glory, time for worth. It is this, above all the other overwhelming advantages, that make Flame Berserkers such a terrifying foe to face. Only when one faces them on the field of battle can one truly grasp that behind the swirling flames and red-hot flurry of axes, lies a being that has consciously chosen self-immolation over survival; destruction over preservation; the death of their foes at the price of their own. Battlefield Role: Anti- Infantry Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £41.99.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Nords Stalkers
    Conquest: Nords Stalkers

    Conquest: Nords Stalkers

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    For most Stalkers, the onset of their powers is more gradual. As they manifest, the din and clamour of village life makes it impossible for them to sleep or concentrate, to say nothing of the stench their nostrils bathe in at all times. Slowly driven from their homes, they soon find a peace of sorts in the frozen forests and mountains of Mannheim. Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Predator

    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Predator

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    To call those W’adrhŭn who lead the Hunter caste a word as menial as hunter is an insult to the terrifying proficiency they have attained. Predator is the word that can convey their talent. Capable of stalking and slaying almost any beast, their talents and those of their team are bound to be useful to any aspiring war leader. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £17.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Seasoned Veteran
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Seasoned Veteran

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Seasoned Veteran

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    Veterans of countless battles, these seasoned campaigners are invaluable to any Commander, bolstering his front line and leading the men by example. Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Servite
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Servite

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Servite

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    A simple functionary of the ancillary branch of the vaunted Order of the Sealed Temple, the humble Servite has probably done more work on improving the lot of the common peasant of the Hundred Kingdoms than a hundred nobles. By ensuring that their militia is well shod and fed a commander of the hundred kingdoms ensures they are where they need to be when they need to be. Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Armsmaster
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Armsmaster

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Armsmaster

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    A Noble Lord on foot, surrounded by his loyal Household Guard, is a force to be reckoned with. A trained Noble Lord on foot, surrounded by his loyal Household Guard as they are led by his loyal Arms Master is something to behold. Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Imperial Officer
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Imperial Officer

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Imperial Officer

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    Today the War Colleges represent one of the only sources of higher education in the Hundred Kingdoms. Wealthy and influential parents face only three real choices: the War Colleges, the Church Schools or an apprenticeship. The War Colleges remain by far the most popular choice. Battlefield Role: Character, Light Infantry Class: Light Type: Character, Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Theist Priest
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Theist Priest

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Theist Priest

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    To those who are familiar with military structures and hierarchy, the structure of the Theist Church is remarkably similar to the command structures established by professional armies around Ea. Battlefield Role: Character, Medium Infantry Class: Medium Type: Character, Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Chapter Mage
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Chapter Mage

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Chapter Mage

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    The Chapter Mages of the Hundred Kingdoms have long been a powerful political tool, their magics more suited to the civilized environment of the court rooms and balls, than the raw elemental puissance demanded on the battlefield. Be one a noble, a bishop or a merchant, keeping a Chapter Mage in one’s retinue is proof of power and influence. Battlefield Role: Character, Light Infantry Class: Light Type: Character, Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Noble Lord (Infantry)
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Noble Lord (Infantry)

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Noble Lord (Infantry)

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    The prestigious martial tradition of the Hundred Kingdoms demands leaders whose men believe in, whose training and experience foster confidence and whose skill demands admiration. A Noble Lord who issues orders can reasonably expect his men to storm the battlement, one that leads from the front knows his men would brave the gates of hell. Battlefield Role: Character, Light Infantry Class: Light Type: Character, Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £12.99.
  • Sale
    Mister Sinister Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol
    Mister Sinister Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Mister Sinister Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Once, Nathaniel Essex was a biologist in Victorian London. Realizing that an increasing number of human mutations signalled the beginning of a new evolution, Essex put aside morality in his pursuit of perfecting the human race. A long road of unethical experiments on unwilling subjects eventually led him to incredible discoveries and even greater personal power. Becoming something far more than human, Nathaniel transformed himself into the nearly immortal being known as Mister Sinister. Mister Sinister views the mutant race’s eventual dominance over the world as a foregone conclusion, and that now we must look beyond the next step. Believing that certain genetic bloodlines possess greater mutant power than others, Mister Sinister has targeted members of the X-Men as potential experimental subjects. Regardless of the opposition, Mister Sinister will allow nothing to impede his quest for evolutionary perfection.
    Original price was: £24.99.Current price is: £15.99.
  • Sale
    Sin& Viper Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol
    Sin& Viper Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Sin & Viper Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol

    When the Red Skull sought an heir for his criminal empire, he fathered Sinthea Schmidt. The girl was raised with constant indoctrination of her father’s twisted views. Forced to undergo physical transformation in one of the Red Skull’s machines, she was gifted with superhuman powers. With her partner Crossbones and an incarnation of the Serpent Squad by her side, Sin has rampaged across the world, coming into conflict with the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the Winter Soldier. As a child, Ophelia Sarkissian was taken by Hydra and raised by Daniel Whitehall, the mysterious agent known as Kraken. For over two decades, she trained to become one of the organization’s most proficient soldiers. Later in life, she abandoned Hydra to become the leader of the Serpent Squad mercenaries, where she used her peak physical conditioning, cunning, and ruthlessness to secure her place as a deadly viper in the global underworld.
    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £28.99.
  • Sale
    Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol
    Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol

    The mutant twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff are powerful beings who have fought on both sides of the mutant divide, as founding members of the Brotherhood of Mutants as well as members of the Avengers and X-Men. The Scarlet Witch’s ability to manipulate reality through chaos magic makes her a potent force for change, able to cause unlikely and random events to occur. Pietro can move and think at unfathomable speeds, moving faster than the speed of thought. Quicksilver’s incredible ability makes him one of the fastest mutants alive but has condemned him to live in a world of slow-moving statues incapable of matching his pace. Arrogant to a fault, Quicksilver will stop at nothing to prove himself a worthy successor of his father.
    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £29.99.