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  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: Fang (Superstar)
    Rumbleslam: Fang (Superstar)

    Rumbleslam: Fang (Superstar)

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    A vampire older than record books, this dark denizen of the night has plagued the land for millennium. For a while, that was enough to entertain the ancient entity. But like all things, the shine soon left the apple. He would sleep, and hope that the next century would be of more interest. One hundred years passed before his eyes opened once more. Awake, thirsty and eager to see what new delights the world had to offer, Fang ventured out into realm to find the city streets alight with life! The sound of cheers met his ears, and he grew curious enough to venture inside a building. What greeted him was Rumbleslam! For the first time in hundreds of years, the wicked man smiled. Fang has entered the ring! He's a fantastic all-rounder superstar, with decent stats and a couple of +1s on his card. He's fast and vicious! Superhuman Spinebreaker is a Grapple Ability you'll be using lots and lots. It's easy to do, and thanks to Fang's Vampirism Passive Ability, replenishes his Stamina at the same time. But that's not all, because if you pass a Crowd Pleaser, the whole team gain the same benefit! Fang obviously fits in perfectly with The Cryptborn Nightmares, boosting their already decent regenerative capabilities and their reliance on grapple attacks. But he's also a great choice for any team with lower Stamina – The Deadly Divas and The Twisted Shadows come to mind – as his constant replenishing can make up for their main weakness! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £6.99.
  • Sale
    Rumbleslam: Lord of Anarchy (Superstar)
    Rumbleslam: Lord of Anarchy (Superstar)

    Rumbleslam: Lord of Anarchy (Superstar)

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    This dwarf has managed to break every single rule in the Rumbleslam handbook during his career in the ring. It was apparent when he joined that he wouldn’t conform to the social norm that was expected of wrestlers, but Gomorrah saw a spark inside him that they knew would draw in a crowd. A member of a notorious biker gang, he was known as Lord of Anarchy long before becoming a star. A mean biker dwarf! Just when you thought they'd all been eaten by aliens. Wait, what? Nothing. Lord of Anarchy has the typical Dwarfen hardiness and lack of speed, but also adds in a stunning offensive capability. Choke Chain is a Grapple attack that gets straight through your opponent's GRP stat, cutting out on their dice to deliver its punch. And Falling Angel can up its already potent Shove 4 special rule into a Throw 2 after a successful Crowd Pleaser, which can single-handedly win you games! Where else would a Dwarf like this live if not the depths of Gomorrah? Get over your prejudices and include him in a Twisted Shadows team for some sturdiness, or pair him with The Timber Fists as a rough and ready bodyguard for your Sprites! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £6.99.
  • Sale
    Rumbleslam: Lumberjacked (Superstar)
    Rumbleslam: Lumberjacked (Superstar)

    Rumbleslam: Lumberjacked (Superstar)

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    Jack fights for revenge. Growing up Jack loved nature and lived in peace with his woodcutter father. That is until his father was taken from him. One fateful day he found his father tied to a tree with thorny vines. Voices echoed from the nearby trees telling him to leave their woods. A dryad. Years later he took part in the destruction of that forest and helped build the new casino upon it. It was during this work he found out the dryad had not only survived, but had entered the ring! He's a lumberjack in a wrestling mask! What more could you want? A cheap wrestler with one of the best Grapple stats in the game? Oh okay then, we'll give him that too. The single problem you'll find when using Lumberjacked is that you just won't have enough AP to do everything you need him to! He's brilliant at throwing enemies out of the ring, but his Sleeper Hold All Night and Caber Toss special abilities are both extremely useful. His Deforestation Passive Ability makes him even better at punching out wrestlers from his most hated of casinos, The Forest Soul. As a Kaiser's Palace wrestler, Lumberjacked fits brilliantly with The Heavy Pounders. He also does very well with The Furry Fury, who sometimes need a little help with their grappling! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £6.99.
  • Sale
    Rumbleslam: Trojan (Superstar)
    Rumbleslam: Trojan (Superstar)

    Rumbleslam: Trojan (Superstar)

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    RUMBLESLAM is filled with proud warriors itching to test their mettle against strong opponents, but few are more proud than Trojan. He comes from a land ravaged by war and conflict, a land that forged him into the weapon he is today. A natural leader, frightening tactician and mighty combatant, Trojan fights with a casual ease that makes even the most confident of opponents take heed. The pressure this superstar emits in the ring has been known to steal the senses from his foes. In fact, in an after match interview one of his victim’s spoke of the experience: “I couldn’t see, couldn’t hear and couldn’t think. I-I was just, there. Just there waiting for him to finish me off." The dour Trojan is as reliable a wrestler as they come, doing well in any situation he finds himself in. For a measly 275K you're getting a great all-rounder who is almost impossible to throw out. His special abilities really shine through though. They're subtle, but can make all the difference in a match. Gift Horse is a great Turnbuckle Ability, as if it is successful, the target loses any active Crowd Pleaser bonuses. That's a BIG DEAL, particularly against certain superstars that shall remain nameless – it's Phage. I'm talking about Phage. Finally, his Blind, Deaf, or Dumb Passive Ability means you select an enemy wrestler to receive a de-buff for that round. You can lower their DEF, stop their Crowd Pleasers doing anything (take that Phage! I hate you so much), or – and this is the big one – make a wrestler lose every special rule from all of their abilities. Trojan is a man without a casino. A Free Agent can be taken by any team without losing their sponsorship bonus, so feel free to add him anywhere! The subtle effects of his abilities mean he is a really useful wrestler to have in reserve. If you know you'll be facing lots of superstars, he's a really invaluable asset to any team! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £6.99.
  • Sale
    Rumbleslam: Henchilada (Superstar)
    Rumbleslam: Henchilada (Superstar)

    Rumbleslam: Henchilada (Superstar)

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    Henchilada hails from a long line of luchadores that have competed in Rumbleslam since the beginning. His father and two brothers operate with lightning speed and pinpoint precision, a fighting-style far different to his own. Unhappy with the graceful moves of his household, the loco-luchador favours raw power. Possessing a large build he decided to hone his muscles to deadly perfection. Henchilada is a great all-rounder, with some brilliant skills to boot. With a statline like that he can hold his own against most wrestlers (and don't even try to throw him out with 2G DEX) Flip Piledriver is your go-to move here. A Grapple Ability with the Dazed and Crowd Please special rules, you'll be using it a lot. Henchilada's Crowd Pleaser is a little off the wall though, as if successful, he leaps onto the nearest empty turnbuckle! As a Free Agent, any team can take Henchilada without losing their sponsorship bonus. And he works well with most teams! If you feel like you need a new wrestler that doesn't rely on anyone else to get the job done, then this is the luchador for you! He goes extremely well with the Deadly Divas, or teamed up with Relentless Dosh, as both have access to abilities that give Henchilada +1AP, meaning he can Flip Piledriver AND Diving Smash Drop in the same round! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £6.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: Gun (Superstar)
    Rumbleslam: Gun (Superstar)

    Rumbleslam: Gun (Superstar)

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    They say you’ve never seen a show until you’ve seen Gun fight. An orc of a different kind, Gun is far different to the rest of his race in the ring. Unlike his bloodthirsty brethren this charismatic orc is there to entertain. A master of ceremony he thrives under attention and can often be seen pleasing the crowd with poses, chants and shows of power! This superstar is adored by his followers who go time and time again to see his exploits. I mean, we all know who this is. Do I really need to write a thing here? You clicked on a massive Orc that looks like... well yeah, you know who. You're already going to buy it aren't you? I don't blame you. I bought one too. If you want a great Rolling Bones wrestler who may Hulk Out when he's down on his luck... no one's still reading are they? You're already waiting by the door for your parcel aren't you? Alright fine, I'll go and post it. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £6.99.
  • Sale
    Rumbleslam: Chuck (Superstar)
    Rumbleslam: Chuck (Superstar)

    Rumbleslam: Chuck (Superstar)

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    Each time Chuck wrestles, something goes wrong. Ropes break, canvases collapse and turnbuckles snap, but only to give him some deadly new advantage. The chilling clown of the ring has undergone investigations countless times but none have been able to prove that he tampers with the rings prior to his fights. His fans paint their faces and fingers to match their hero, and start fights in the stands to the laughter of wrestler below. How best to describe Chuck? Well, “killer clown” is a good start. “Offensive and dextrous mastermind” is another one. With a crazy amount of Gold dice and +1s to his stats, Chuck is a solid wrestler that can accomplish pretty much anything you want of him. With High Flyer and a Rope Ability that has the Jump and Rocket special rules Chuck can be at the other side of the ring in no time. And any enemy wrestler he passes over during his Drive-by Clothes Line takes 2 Damage to boot! Chuck makes a great choice for any Gomorrah team, and actually pairs very well with The Runic Thunder, who really benefit from a little aggression and speed. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £6.99.
  • Sale
    Rumbleslam: The Chief (Superstar)
    Rumbleslam: The Chief (Superstar)

    Rumbleslam: The Chief (Superstar)

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    Everybody is said to have a spirit animal: a creature who guides and steers them towards the right choices in life. It isn’t uncommon for people to find their animal, but it is very rare for that creature to manifest on the person! Since an early age, The Chief has been able to manifest and utilise the abilities of his spirit animals; the mighty bear, the swift eagle and the relentless coyote. On the surface, The Chief may not look like much. But I challenge you to find a better wrestler that has 5AP and 5MP for such a good price. The real draw for The Chief is his array of Spirit Animal bonuses. With three to choose from, each offers a stat-boosting ability for that round, meaning you can power him up for the task at hand. And if he passes his Crowd Pleaser, he gets to pick 2 different animals like some kind of weird chimera! The Chief is a Free Agent, meaning any team can take him without losing their sponsorship bonus. He works best in an all or nothing kind of team such as The Twisted Shadows or Green Bruisers where his balanced skills get the most use. With no glaring weaknesses and the ability to change roles depending on the situation, he's a great Superstar for beginners. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £6.99.
  • Sale
    Rumbleslam: Statesman (Superstar)
    Rumbleslam: Statesman (Superstar)

    Rumbleslam: Statesman (Superstar)

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    The Statesman is as much a fan of wrestling as he is a superstar. Growing up watching the heroes of old in the ring, the young wrestler trained his body with painful tenacity. He was soon the picture of perfection. Joining the ring at eighteen, his selflessness and devotion to the sport fast became a shining example that inspired countless fans. From looking at his stat card, it's obvious that Statesman is a great all-rounder. He makes a great centre-piece for any team, his unassuming look hiding a solid line up of skills. With a regenerative ability on all KO'd wrestlers for his Crowd Pleaser, and his Shield Passive Ability giving close friendly wrestlers his awesome Defense, Statesman is at his best when helping out team mates. With a great all-round stat line and hailing from Kaiser's Palace, he's the perfect companion to The Heavy Pounders, or any team with low Defense and low Stamina WEIGHT 1 wrestlers. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £8.00.Current price is: £6.99.
  • Sold out
    Return To The Path To Carcosa - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
    Return To The Path To Carcosa - Arkham Horror: The Card Game

    Return To The Path To Carcosa – Arkham Horror: The Card Game

    The show must go on! The King in Yellow has gained a new legion of followers and you'll have to re-examine everything you thought you'd uncovered about the game's second cycle to find the truth behind it all. All-new scenario, location and encounter cards offer a fresh take on the acclaimed campaign, and everything comes in a premium box which can store the full campaign with divider cards marked for each encounter set.
    Original price was: £32.99.Current price is: £28.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Nords Bow-Chosen (Plastic Kit)
    Conquest: Nords Bow-Chosen (Plastic Kit)

    Conquest: Nords Bow-Chosen (Plastic Kit)

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    Every Nord Jarl has a few men he can trust to get the job done. They are known as the chosen men. The Bow Chosen are those of his men he knows he can dispatch deep behind enemy lines to wreak havoc among his enemies reinforcements and battle plans destroying the well laid plans of his opponents with a withering hail of fire from a favourable position. Battlefield Role: Restricted Missile Infantry Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £26.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Objective Markers
    Conquest: Objective Markers

    Conquest: Objective Markers

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    This box contains 6 Objective markers for use in your Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings and Conquest: First Blood battles. Previously available only to owners of the Core Box, these finely detailed plastic markers are the ideal choice for marking those all important objectives on the battlefield whether playing with friends from home or engaged in a winner take all tournament battle!
    Original price was: £11.50.Current price is: £4.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Mounted Noble Lord
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Mounted Noble Lord

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Mounted Noble Lord

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    No matter how old and established a noble house is in the hundred kingdoms, none have forgotten the wise adge: "Power flows from the edge of the blade." As a result, all houses, no matter how humble or imposing, can always count on noble scions trained in the art of war to lead their troops. These Noble Lords are trained from youth in the arts of swordsmanship and mounted combat, the wealthiest amongst them even attending the proud War Colleges in Argem. Whatever the specifics, few question that many a noble’s right to command does not derive simply from the blood coursing through their veins. The prestigious martial tradition of the Hundred Kingdoms demands leaders whose men believe in, whose training and experience foster confidence and whose skill demands admiration. A Noble Lord who issues orders can reasonably expect his men to storm the battlement, one that leads from the front knows his men would brave the gates of hell. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £25.99.Current price is: £18.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Apex Predator
    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Apex Predator

    Conquest: W’adrhŭn Apex Predator

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    When the Abhoreth Spire fell to the Dweghom advance, it was not only the W’adrhun who were released, millenia upon millennia of predatory and dangerous creatures, dormant fodder for the twisted Spire experiments, were released as well. Of all those countless creatures, none has thrived like the Apex Predator. This monstrous beast has been harnessed by the W’adrhun as a living engine of destruction, lending its primal savagery to that of the W’adrhun forces. The kit also includes a rider, an alt sculpt of the Predator character. Battlefield Role: Restricted Heavy Monster Class: Heavy Type: Monster
    Original price was: £109.99.Current price is: £72.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Mercenary Crossbowmen
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Mercenary Crossbowmen

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Mercenary Crossbowmen

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    The crossbow represents a significant technological improvement over the bow and longbow. While some could argue that the longbows increased range and rate of fire outclass the crossbow, mastery of that massive weapon requires years, while a man can learn to competently care for and use a crossbow in a matter of days. Battlefield Role: Armour Piercing Missile Infantry Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £19.99.