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Tabletop Games

  • Sold out
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Tactical Retinue
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Tactical Retinue

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Tactical Retinue

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    These retinue characters act as tactical advisers to the following Hundred Kingdoms characters - Chapter Mage, Imperial Officer, Noble Lord and Priory Commander making them more effective generals Battlefield Role: Tactical Retinue
    Original price was: £43.99.Current price is: £34.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: Relentless Dosh Tag Team
    Rumbleslam: Relentless Dosh Tag Team

    Rumbleslam: Relentless Dosh Tag Team

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    At 275K each, Relentless Dosh are actually the cheapest tag team currently on offer! Don't let that fool you though, they move quickly, and can bring on the hurt when needed. Wonderkid is a face, and Nasty Goat a HEEL, so hope for the right reactions from the crowd! Both Crowd Pleasers give every friendly wrestler a +1AP counter though, which is a massive bonus to any team. And considering Wonderkid's Pile Drive To The Face Grapple Ability (longest move name yet?) has the Crowd Please special rule, that's going to be happening a lot! Nasty Goat doesn't fall behind though, as Quitter knocks down opponents and also picks them up! Their Tag Ability is named Tribute To The Best Attack In The World (okay, that's definitely the longest move name), does a bunch of damage and shoves the opponent 8 squares! That means you can really control the action in the ring. Honestly I don't know who these two aren't great choices for. They can hold their own in a fight, have a great Crowd Pleaser, and so many other useful skills. As a Forest Soul team they obviously pair well with the Timber Fists, giving them a whole bunch of tools to use, and the +1AP really helps the Amazonians to do their Turnbuckle Abilities and have AP left over to finish off (or throw out) their opponents. Two resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £15.00.Current price is: £11.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: Brothers Beserk Tag Team
    Rumbleslam: Brothers Beserk Tag Team

    Rumbleslam: Brothers Beserk Tag Team

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    If you expect a wrestler with a giant claw to be good at damaging people, and a wrestler with a tentacle for an arm to be good at grappling people, you are not going to be disappointed! Basically, these guys are amazing. Their stats may not look like that much, but their special abilities are off the charts good. I'm not even going to spoil the surprise. EDIT: I've been told to spoil the surprise, because we want people to buy them. So here goes: Claw's Chaotic Claw Rope Ability has an ATT score of 2S+1, which can be permanently upgraded to 2G+1 with his Crowd Pleaser. That's already really good. But the Damage of the move is EQUAL TO THE ATT SCORE ROLLED. I'm not even going to let that sink in before I tell you about Squirm's Tentacle Choke Hold Grapple Ability. It does Dazed, which is good. But you add the WEIGHT of the target wrestler to your GRP score, meaning the bigger they are, the harder they fall! And I'm not even going to make a new paragraph before telling you that his Crowd Pleaser does Knockdown to THREE wrestlers within THREE squares. OH EM GEE Oh and they also have a Tag Ability in Squirm throws Claw to any square in the ring, and it deals 4 Damage if used as Live Ammunition. Two resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £15.00.Current price is: £11.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: Rotten Rodents Team
    Rumbleslam: Rotten Rodents Team

    Rumbleslam: Rotten Rodents Team

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    The Feral Den is a dirty place, and none are dirtier than the Rotten Rodents! An expansion team for the Furry Fury, these wrestlers bring a whole lot to your games. Utilising a unique mechanic, the Rotten Rodents rely on Poison Tokens to do their dirty work. Each uses them in a different way, and they just make the ring a particularly hazardous place for your opponent! The Ralchemist throws Poison Bombs around the arena, spreading the plague with every single one of her skills! A Dusk Runner is another WEIGHT 1 wrestler, and is possibly the fastest wrestler in the game. He uses Poison Tokens to assassinate his foes. The WEIGHT 2 rats don't make Poison Tokens, but instead suck them up! The Mole-Rat Pugilist can carry Poison Tokens around and either use them to replenish 2 Stamina per token, or expel them to hit everyone nearby! Meanwhile the Ring Rat encourages the team's Crowd Pleasers and turns Poison Tokens into re-rolls. The biggest model of the set is the Rodentia Bubonica who spreads Poison as it moves, and increases the damage output of all Poison Tokens while in the ring! It's a hefty wrestler that provides a lot of support and toughness to an otherwise fragile casino. Oh and if that's not enough plague for you, there's also a tiny Sewer Rat who spreads Poison Tokens as well! Cute! Sort of. Contains 6 resin miniatures with 6 clear acrylic bases, 6 character cards, and 6 acrylic tokens. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: One Thousand and One Fights Team
    Rumbleslam: One Thousand and One Fights Team

    Rumbleslam: One Thousand and One Fights Team

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    Cat people are here! The Diamond Oasis is full of cats and mummies; it's a weird place. This team - like the rest of Diamond Oasis - rewards careful and considered play. With three WEIGHT 2 wrestlers, one WEIGHT 3, and a couple of extras, they're a very strange team! The Rostani Voyager and Rostani Thief are your heavy-hitters. One is great at brawling, and one is great at grappling. That's not all though, they both bring unique skills to the ring, from shadowy speed to sharpened claws. The Rostani Charmer isn't quite the powerhouse of the other two, but her subtle method of fighting certainly plays its role. Able to move enemy wrestlers around with an impelling charm, you can get them wherever you want. She - like the other two - is also a cat, which means she's got 5AP and automatically removes Knockdown counters! Your WEIGHT 3 is the Cosmic Cat. A pretty kitty that exists outside of spacetime, this colossal cat brings with it all sorts of weird and wonderful gameplay. From teleporting through the ring to slowing down time for your opponents, this feline is a giant support wrestler. Speaking of support wrestlers, the team also comes with a Catswort Burner and a Magic Carpet. The burner gives bonuses to ATT when nearby, and the Magic Carpet transports your Rostani around the ring. If you're lucky, you can even Rug Burn your opponents. Contains 6 resin miniatures with 6 clear acrylic bases, and 6 character cards. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: The Headliners Team
    Rumbleslam: The Headliners Team

    Rumbleslam: The Headliners Team

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    The Headliners are the best of the best. Almost every Kaiser's Palace Superstar served in this team before going onto superstardom. Although they're excellent on their own, the Headliners make an excellent add-on to the Heavy Pounders. With five unique wrestlers, each brings something slightly different to your games of RUMBLESLAM. If you're looking to expand your Kaiser's Palace collection, this is the perfect set! A Halfling High Flyer does exactly what you'd expect: fly high. Pretty useless on the ground, this fellow has a couple of different turnbuckle abilities to choose from, and can boost up each turnbuckle attack with extra AP for extra range and damage! On the less fantastical end of the spectrum is the Lucky Winner. This kid won a competition to appear alongside his heroes, and he's taking it seriously! Unfortunately, he's an untrained kid, so is basically just the worst wrestler in the game. But your opponents should be wary to attack him, lest they bring in the ire of the refs. You can't punch a kid! In the medium-weight category you have a Charging Blocker and Martial Artist. The Charging Blocker is excellent at rope attacks, using his momentum to send the target flying. The less distance he moves, the more stored momentum gets turned into Shove power! Meanwhile the Martial Artist is a bit more sedentary, preferring to showcase his pure skill. With +1s all over the place, he's excellent at knocking enemies down with superior wrestling moves. If you want heavy weights, few come heavier than the Ogre Flattener. Although not quite as fast as his Heavy Pounder counter-part, this big guy can boost up his WEIGHT to 4, and re-rolls dice when Pinning opponents. He really likes flattening (the clue is in the name)! Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: Brutally Devious Shadow Mania Team
    Rumbleslam: Brutally Devious Shadow Mania Team

    Rumbleslam: Brutally Devious Shadow Mania Team

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    Gomorrah attracts some of the strangest characters around, and they often tend to club together. Weirdos don't judge fellow weirdos - take it from the people that made a game about elves wrestling goblins. Brutally Devious Shadow Mania is a team quite unlike any other, and make an excellent group when paired with the Twisted Shadows. With five unique wrestlers, each brings something slightly different to your games of RUMBLESLAM. If you're looking to expand your Gomorrah collection, this is the perfect set! Shadowlings grow and shrink and develop strange powers as they age. The teenage Shadowling Hanger for example has bat-like wings that keep him aloft, and aid him well when gliding off Turnbuckles to deliver the killer Diving Demon Drop. Meanwhile the Shadow Flayer is what happens when a Shadowling grows old and bitter. The Shadow Flayer loves dark rooms and miserable people, so will steal the show (and your opponents Crowd Pleasers) just to make everyone sad. Two Elves make up the bulk of the team, although neither really like sharing the spotlight. A Dark Elf Narcissist really doesn't notice who the crowd is cheering for. Or booing actually. So long as they're paying attention to (what he assumes is) him then he's happy. The Dark Elf Sadist prefers to go more unnoticed, using their sneaky stabs to draw blood and gain power from the pain! Finally the Throwing Shade brings a reliability to the team that Twisted Shadows players may be longing for. She can also Shadowstep throughout the ring and grapple opponents from 4 squares away, which is always handy! Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: Triassic 5 Team
    Rumbleslam: Triassic 5 Team

    Rumbleslam: Triassic 5 Team

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    The dense woodland surrounding the Forest Soul is home to all sorts of weird and wonderful characters. From ancient lizard beasts to amphibious squidges, this is the casino that truly has it all (in terms of wildlife - if you want to have it all you should try Gomorrah, they're very... accommodating). And that's where you'll find the Triassic 5. There are three WEIGHT 1s in the team! From the devastating Gekko Firebreather who burns multiple enemies in one to the Pterodacrobat who will slice foes as he flies over them. And don't forget the Axolotl Cutie who dishes out plus and minus AP tokens all over the place, all while being Too Cute to Punch! Aiding the little lizards are two WEIGHT 3s. Stubby Dunker is probably the single toughest wrestler in the entire game. Crazy DEF and re-rolls is one thing, but being wide enough to collide with multiple foes when bouncing off the ropes? Yes please! T-Flex is the Queen of the Cold Bloods, and very deserving of that title! With an out of this world ATT value, her only real weakness is having the tiniest arms you've ever seen! Still, just bite your opponents and throw them out with her thick, powerful neck! Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: Pyramid Piledrivers Team
    Rumbleslam: Pyramid Piledrivers Team

    Rumbleslam: Pyramid Piledrivers Team

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    The Pyramid Piledrivers are slowly entering the ring! Unless the Withered Master instructs them to get a move on that is. What looks like a perfectly normal team actually plays a little weirdly. They take a fine tuned approach and heavily reward carefully thought out plays. The WEIGHT 1 category is taken up by two Shabti. Entirely identical in stats since they're reanimated corpses who can't really do anything on their own. The good news is that Shabti are the cheapest wrestlers in the game at 100K each. The bad news is that other than a move that does -1MP, they're slow and basically useless. That's where the Withered Master comes in. A solid performer in her own right, she works best when commanding others. Able to move the Shabti on her own, and perform her Grapple and Rope abilities through every other wrestler in the team, she can do some serious damage while staying in the comfort of her own corner. Master the Master and you'll be well on your way to victory. The heavy hitters in the team come in the form of the Anubti Doorkeeper and the massive Yeetle. While the Shabti are some of the worst rookies in the game, the Anubti Doorkeeper is arguably the best. With stats that rival a Superstar, she is going to be feared by your opponents as much as she's loved by you! Meanwhile the Yeetle has an extremely tough outer shell and can literally throw the sun at your enemies! Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: Calaca Cabala Team
    Rumbleslam: Calaca Cabala Team

    Rumbleslam: Calaca Cabala Team

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    The Calaca Cabala hail from the Moote Carlo casino and they are here for a fun time, and planning for a long stay too. Keeping these skeletons down is certainly a challenge! Many an opponent has knocked these skeletons out to see them get back up dancing away again. From the diminutive Angelitos to the Difuntos, these skeletons bring sombreros and maracas into the ring to set the beat and the theme. As with all the wrestlers in the Cabala, they rarely stay down for long, thanks to rolling 2 Crowd dice to recover from being KO'd! Bandido Esqueleto rounds out the team. This cyclops skeleton loves his tequila. He's big, strong and with his Finger Guns (loaded at all times of course) he can cause plenty of long range knockdowns. Just watch out for those occasions he's had a bit too much to drink! Contains 5 resin miniatures with 5 clear acrylic bases, and 5 character cards. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: Lords of the Ring Team
    Rumbleslam: Lords of the Ring Team

    Rumbleslam: Lords of the Ring Team

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    Ever seen an angry Halfling in a luchador mask flying towards you? How about five of them? The Lords of the Ring flip each other all over the place! Their friendly Ref will happily give you a pasty, especially if it distracts from Peso Completo’s charge! This team might seem small, but they can really bring the pain in the ring! From the Halfling Rudo' Patadas Frijoles attack to the Técnico's double grapple attacks, there's something for everyone. The Halfling Exótico is an excellent turnbuckler using his High Flyer ability to get extra range. Meanwhile the Halfling Limpio does a bit of everything, and can jump over opponents too! The star of the show is Peso Completo, probably the biggest Halfling ever! His Low Centre of Gravity rule means that he cannot be Knocked Down, and his Mini Extinctión Turnbuckle attack is one of the most damaging moves in the game! Speaking of Turnbuckle attacks, the Lords of the Ring are experts at them. Able to give a helping hand to each other, each wrestler can use their teammate as a turnbuckle, allowing them to perform these attacks anywhere in the ring! Peso Completo can do this same thing, although he's so big that his range is only 1 square, and he flattens his teammate as well as his opponent! The Lords of the Ring are a brotherhood, and an honourable one at that. At the start of the match they (read: you) elect a single Halfling to be El Capitán, and he gains +1 to all his stats! With plenty of +1s already, and Crowd Pleasers that give +1 to all stats too, this is a team that can be powered up quickly! Although don't forget that they're all just Halflings, so they can't take much punishment. Their friendly Halfling Ref can help with damage though, offering a pasty to anyone close by. Just prey that it's not cold! Contains 6 resin miniatures with 6 clear acrylic bases, and 6 character cards. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: The Heavy Pounders Team
    Rumbleslam: The Heavy Pounders Team

    Rumbleslam: The Heavy Pounders Team

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    The Heavy Pounders fill that ideal space between speed, strength, and defence. They're reliable and even the smallest member can be extremely useful. They're easy to learn, but tricky to master. The crowd loves them though, multiplying their already solid stat lines even further. Kaiser's Palace teams needing some stability should look no further. Halfling Brawlers and Halfling Grapplers get a lot of actions per turn, and their special abilities are cheap to use, meaning they'll be mainstays in your team. Human Brawlers and Human Grapplers do what they say, and do it well. Don't go getting their roles confused though, as they won't be nearly as effective. Brawlers first do the damage, and then grapplers move in and throw the opponents out of the ring. A tried and tested formula that works match after match. Ogres are big. Ogres are strong. Ogres are hard to throw out. What more could you want? It would be tempting to just brawl away with an ogre, but that means that you're not using their many useful special attacks. A Choke Slam does wonders when paired with the Halfling Brawler, and a Belly Bomb Bonanza hits every opponent in base contact, if you're brave enough to climb the turnbuckle to do it! This box contains one of each: Halfling Brawler, Halfling Grappler, Human Brawler, Human Grappler, and Ogre. All resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: The Green Bruisers Team
    Rumbleslam: The Green Bruisers Team

    Rumbleslam: The Green Bruisers Team

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    The Green Bruisers are some of the biggest stars of the RUMBLESLAM arena. They're fast, they hit hard, and they don't let up! If you want a team that likes getting stuck in, regardless of what danger it poses to them, these greenskins are for you, and make an excellent choice for The Rolling Bones. Goblin Brawlers and Goblin Grapplers do not hit hard. But getting them into a fair fight is not what they're for! They're quick and can do lots of actions a turn, meaning their special abilities will get lots of use. Of particular note is their Antagonise ability, which makes opponents slower and angrier! Orc Bruisers and Orc Grapplers are the ones you want to be getting into combat! Hit first, and make it count. And if you can't reach the enemy, use their Da Boss ability to pick up goblins and throw them instead! Trolls are big, blue, and mean. They have absolutely devastating special attacks, so make sure they're in the right place because they don't move fast. Their Regeneration ability helps them to stay in the fight long past most other wrestlers. This box contains one of each: Goblin Brawler, Goblin Grappler, Orc Brawler, Orc Grappler, and Troll. All resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: The Twisted Shadows Team
    Rumbleslam: The Twisted Shadows Team

    Rumbleslam: The Twisted Shadows Team

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    Do you like winning? Do you like seeing the look of defeat on your opponent's face? Do you smile at the tears of your enemies? Then The Twisted Shadows might be for you, you weirdo. This team is agile, fast, hard-hitting, and very tough to face. But they're also extremely weak when punched back, so watch out! Twisted players of Gomorrah will love a little extra power in their teams. Shadowling Brawlers and Shadowling Grapplers are best used to sneak in, do a devastating special attack, and then Shadow Jump away again before the enemy even notices they were there! Dark Elf Brawlers and Dark Elf Grapplers can take a bit more punishment, and are very good at their respective roles. Their Art of Seduction ability turns an already good attack into an even better one by incapacitating the opponent's ability to defend properly. Finally, the massive Gorgons are out and out damage dealers. Their special abilities are very powerful, but its their grapples and Crowd Pleasers that really make them a mainstay in any Gomorrah team. This box contains one of each: Shadowling Brawler, Shadowling Grappler, Dark Elf Brawler, Dark Elf Grappler, and Gorgon. All resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    Rumbleslam: The Cold Bloods Team
    Rumbleslam: The Cold Bloods Team

    Rumbleslam: The Cold Bloods Team

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    Although mild-mannered outside of the ring, The Cold Bloods are a different beast entirely after the match starts. Naturally resilient to damage, these walking lizards make fine RUMBLESLAM wrestlers, and great additions to a Forest Soul team. Gekko Brawlers and Gekko Grapplers may not hit very hard, but with their Skitter ability they dart around the ring, always managing to be in the right place at the right time. Saurian Brawlers and Saurian Grapplers lack the speed of their smaller kin, but make up for that with sheer aggression. With Sharpened Claws brawling is their forte, leaving opponents not just battered, but bleeding too. A Krux is one of the most formidable wrestlers to step foot in the ring. Strong and tough, these creatures are hard to deal with, even before taking into account their debilitating Roar! Abilities. This box contains one of each: Gekko Brawler, Gekko Grappler, Saurian Brawler, Saurian Grappler, and Krux. All resin miniatures supplied unpainted and unassembled with unique character profile cards and clear acrylic bases. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.