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Rumbleslam: The Greek (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop GamesWhere most men might shy from adversity, this superstar yearns for it. The Greek is a fierce fighter determined to battle foes when the odds are well and truly stacked against him. Tenacity given form, he will accept any and all matches. In fact, during an interview he declared his intent to take on an entire casino. The audience jeered and laughed at his statement but were met with a stoic expression of self-confidence. He has yet to receive his match, but barely a fight goes by without him shouting his challenge! THIS! IS! RUMBLESLAM! The Greek enters the ring! He’s a solid all-rounder with some incredibly powerful abilities, and makes a great addition to any Kaiser’s Palace team. Hell Hold reduces enemy MP to 0, and Big Kick can fly all the way across the ring before booting an opponent out! And don’t even think about trying to throw The Greek from the ring, as No Surrender, No Retreat means he’s rolling 3 Gold dice to save himself! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Botticelli (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games“People everywhere know about the great martial artist and superstar Toothpick. A fighter so deadly and calm even the bravest of wrestlers think twice before attacking him. Few people on the other hand know about his old pupil Botticelli. Botticelli - along with his brothers - was a prodigy, a brilliant fighter who studied hard and mastered techniques others could only dream of. But Toothpick sensed something inside him, something dark. When the young turtle was confronted with this information, he rebelled and spat harsh words at his master. So it was that he was exiled, kicked out of the dojo. The harshness of the punishment never left him and his mind turned to cruelty.” He's got natural toughness from his shell, and is quick to boot. Also, he's one of the only Heel wrestlers in the Forest Soul. With his high DEF value and the Heel in a Half Shell passive ability giving him re-rolls to Defence rolls, your opponent will be very put off even basic attacks! Keep him away from Grapplers though, or just use any of his many special abilities to get the drop on them! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Tavern (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games“Tavern is an interesting dwarf; big of arm, strong of will and proud as a peacock. He spends the majority of his time in Kaiser’s Palace getting drunk on whatever ale is available. It’s said he participates in matches to fuel his wild drinking habits and to ease the itch his knuckles get after sitting still for too long. In fact, his love for booze is so vast that he has yet to enter a match sober! But this inebriated state could also be responsible for his countless victories and triumph’s in Rumbleslam’s hallowed ring. The pains of punches and kicks are dampened by his drunken state and quite a few quizzical looks have been aimed his way as a sure-fire knockout was laughed off. Tavern is a great balanced Superstar choice. He's hardy, has a great ATT value, and very high Stamina. The real thing he brings to the ring is his Drunk passive ability though. The downside of always being drunk is that he has to take a Dazed check at the start of each round, but the upside is he can't be dazed by any other source and all Brawl attacks do -1 Damage to him! He's a great choice for a Runic Thunder team, but also adds a great defensive boost to a Heavy Pounders team Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Great Jaw (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games“Experiment no. 068. This is how the mighty wrestler known as Great Jaw started life. Created in a laboratory, it is said he was created for the sole purpose of causing harm. The research notes left behind at the lab listed the components that made this feral combatant. Among them were ferocity, bloodlust, anger and aggression. Suffice to say, he was destined to join Rumbleslam!” If you like giant shark monsters with about a thousand special abilities, Great Jaw is the only wrestler we make that fits those criteria! He's strong and very fast for a Weight 3 wrestler, and has some amazing skills. Two of his attacks cause Bleeding, which is great in itself. But even better, his Scent of Blood passive ability means he gains +2 to his ATT score if his target has a Bleeding counter! As a member of The Feral Den, this superstar fits perfectly alongside the Raging Beasts or the Furry Fury. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £10.00.£7.99Current price is: £7.99. -
Rumbleslam: Big Andy (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games“Contrary to his kind’s scary and angry nature, he has been known to play with his fans, carrying them on his shoulders as he walks about! Children love Andy and aspire to be as strong and tall as him when they grow up! But it is not wise to prod this slumbering titan. Even the calmest can lose their cool at times, but most don’t have punches that can break stone and arms thick as tree trunks!” Big Andy is a great all-rounder superstar. He's not quite as dangerous as some (Trihorn, I'm looking at you), but his Dosh cost is barely higher than a regular Weight 3 wrestler. For that little bit more Dosh you get some incredible special abilities like Underhook Suplex and Body Slam which cause the all-powerful Knockdown. And because of his Walking Stupor passive ability, Big Andy is immune to the Dazed special rule, meaning he's very hard to take down. Big Andy is a Free Agent, which means he can be used by a team from any casino without affecting their important Sponsorship Bonuses! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £10.00.£7.99Current price is: £7.99. -
Rumbleslam: Comet (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games“Comet is an enigma wrapped in mystery and perversion. Known by many as the strangest wrestler to enter the ring, this painted elf has exhibited some very strange tendencies over the years. Whether it is admiring himself in the ring, or tracing out the blackened lines of his skin-tight suit, he has surprised and chilled many a wrestler and viewer. In interviews, he has shown a definite lack of personal space and social norms. His face is meticulously painted each day, and the ritual of brushing his hair sixteen times before a match is never missed. Comet seems to love his body and appearance more than anything, and should his opponent smear his paint, they had better be ready for pain.” Wow. Just look at that stat card. Seriously. Umm... I don't know what else to say. So. Much. Gold. Comet is a great Superstar for... well... anyone really. Seriously. Wow. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Trihorn (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games“Trihorn. The name is known far and wide within the wrestling world as a figure of unbelievable power and ferocity. Matches have been stopped to save his opponents. When The Jurassic Brute starts rampaging there are few who can stop him. The Forest Soul found him during one of their many scouting exercises and were astounded by his colossal size and terrifying strength. Promised endless opponents and consequence-free fights, the scaly superstar signed up immediately and has been terrorising Rumbleslam since.” It's my job to type up these little blurbs to convince people to buy wrestlers, but honestly, I don't think Trihorn needs much talking up. I'm going to be out of a job. Amazing stats, crazy high Stamina, and so many special rules you'll be photocopying those pages of the rulebook. What's not to like? If you have a Cold Bloods team, he fits in perfectly! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £12.00.£9.99Current price is: £9.99. -
Rumbleslam: Marowhackjob (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games“Marowhackjob’s real name is said to be unutterable by anyone but himself. A cultist of a long lost religion, he is said to wear the bones of his family to keep them close. A performer of dark rituals, he has been responsible for some of the most intense matches to date. No one has ever seen his face as it is covered with a strange bone mask he claims is his father’s skull. This crazed fighter draws strength from the crowd’s hatred and longs to hear them boo. The more they hate him, the stronger he gets.” If you're after a toolbox Superstar who's brilliant at annoying your opponents, then Marowhackjob is who you're after. Free Strike is a Passive Ability that allows him to make a Brawl attack against any wrestler that moves out of base contact with him. That's good already, but combined with the Dark Presence special rule, he becomes really annoying. Dark Presence means that any enemy wrestlers in base contact with Marowhackjob MUST attack him, and no one else. Damned if you do, damned if you don't! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Jester (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games“If there is one thing we can all agree upon when it comes to Jester, it’s that she keeps us guessing. The Lady of Mischief, The Trickster Queen, The Jester, she is nothing short of enthralling when she takes to the ring. The masses call her “charismatic” but the word does little to describe her true peppiness and charm. Many an opponent has taken her frail figure and whimsical attitude for granted only to end up seeing stars!” She's fast, she's fit, and she's flipping crazy. Jester has insanely good Dexterity. So good in fact that you'll very rarely ever hit her – she uses it for her Defence too! Her special abilities are very damaging, but her Crowd Pleaser is the real winner. It gives all friendly Gomorrah wrestlers Fury on their special abilities, so pair her up with the Deadly Divas to give them some much needed offensive capabilities, or with the Twisted Shadows to up their already formidable attacks. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Triple D (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games“The bad girl of wrestling, Triple D is synonymous with rule breaking. A powerful wrestler who has held numerous titles in her time, Diana will take on anyone who threatens her reign at the top. Using all the methods at her disposal, she has been known to cripple opponents that might one day rise to challenge her. She has dubbed herself the Queen of the Ring, a title her fans cheer with extreme diligence and fervour.” Triple D is a fan favourite, and for good reason. If you feel like your team is lacking a wrestler that can pick up and throw any other wrestler fairly easily, go for Triple D. Although you might struggle to even lift other wrestlers with the amount of great special abilities she has. Her biggest problem is that she doesn't have 10 AP to do everything you want! As a Heel character she rolls Crowd Pleasers differently, so if you feel like your Heavy Pounders need to take a walk on the wild side, she's the perfect wrestler for it. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
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Rumbleslam: Leo (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games“Well known for his ferocity and short temper within the ring, this superstar is a wrestler every fan loves to hate. The image of Leo prowling down the aisle is a chilling sight indeed, and even the bravest of wrestlers back up a step when face to face with him. Leo’s flesh ripples with every step he takes as the thick muscles of his body contract and relax beneath the skin. His proud features are bordered by a heavy mane of brown fur full of intricate braids.” Are you playing a Feral Den team and feel you need a bit more offensive capability? Seriously? Well okay, just take Leo. He's got an amazing ATT value, and a whole load of great attacking moves. If you think you can successfully pass Dirty rolls, then Eye Rake does 2 Damage, Bleeding, AND has Fury. And thanks to Claws and Teeth, all of Leo's Brawl attacks do 2 Damage too! That's a lot of damage, and that's only scratching the surface of his skills! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Gobba (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games“Wrestling is a sport for the physically gifted. Or so everyone thought until this mysterious goblin entered the ring. Wielding a special power alongside his seemingly inhuman dexterity, he joined Rolling Bones casino and waited for his debut. It was a match to remember, though only a handful of fans remained to watch the small superstar battle. Assuming his team would lose easily, many missed him pushing and pulling his opponents around the ring with nothing but a wave of his tiny hand. Despite his clear superiority, Gobba didn’t mock or belittle his adversaries at all. It was almost unheard of to watch a wrestler wait for his opponent to stand before striking again.” Gobba has some weird stats. His Dexterity is the highest in the game, and he uses it as his Defence too, meaning he's extremely hard to damage at all. He's fast too, so good luck catching him! Although with such a low Defence, Grapple, and Stamina, he's delicate too. Gobba is the ultimate support Superstar. There Is No Try is an Active Ability that allows you to move an enemy wrestler 3 squares in any direction, putting them in the best place for you and the worst place for them! And his Crowd Pleaser removes all negative counters from friendly wrestlers. Considering the all-out attack nature of the Green Bruisers, Gobba complements them perfectly, giving them some much needed defensive stability. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £7.00.£5.99Current price is: £5.99. -
Rumbleslam: Officer Reno (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games"Officer Reno (as he demands to be called) started off life as a humble and righteous man. From a young age he looked up to the uniformed heroes who kept the streets safe. When he was old enough, he joined the academy. Years later, he emerged as a proud officer of the law! Eager to prove himself, he took to the streets and assisted in the arrests of countless criminals and evildoers. After watching a RUMBLESLAM match he realised that he had a different calling – cleaning up the ring!" Officer Reno has a great attack stat and a great grapple stat. He's best used bouncing off the ropes though. His Skewer ability has the Lifted special rule, ready to throw his opponents out the next round. Combined with his Thick Skin rule, your opponent will struggle to do any damage to him, meaning that wrestler he lifted is going out! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £10.00.£7.99Current price is: £7.99. -
Rumbleslam: Phage (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games"In nature it is sometimes the most beautiful of flowers that contain the most poison. The same can be said for this dark elf. A wrestler of nearly unparalleled beauty, Phage has enjoyed the adulation of her peers for years. Her seemingly shy and modest appearance however is merely a facade she wears to lull her opponents into a false sense of security. Behind her sweet and charming mask is a soul as black as pitch. This sadistic superstar takes great pleasure in inflicting serious and debilitating injuries on her foes. Several promising careers have ended early due to Phage crippling or maiming the superstar but nothing has been done to stop her. She pretends they are all accidents and even apologies openly to her victims, but it is all an act." When is a Dark Elf better than a Dark Elf? When she's Phage. Increasing on a Dark Elf's already decent stat line, Phage really does have it all. With great attacks on top, she's a formidable opponent. That said, she costs a lot of Dosh! If you fancy adding her to a Gomorrah team, she pairs perfectly with the Twisted Shadows, who make her even more mobile! Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99. -
Rumbleslam: Pythong (Superstar)
Rumbleslam, Superstars, Tabletop Games"A fan favourite for obvious reasons, Pythong is a wily customer who somehow always manages to sneak her serpentine friend into the ring. She possesses a strange charm that leaves both fans and opponents alike unable to look away as she lithely moves across the ring. Pythong has been seen using her snake as a cunning weapon in the ring. The deadly serpent follows her will and acts like an extension of her body to dish out attacks on her unwitting opponents." A fast and fluid wrestler, Pythong has a solid stat line that's made even better by her pet. Giving her special attacks Fury on 2 Gold dice is no small act, and her Snake Trip ability does Knockdown for good measure, opening up your opponents to a well-timed turnbuckle attack from friendly Forest Soul wrestlers from The Timber Fists. Resin miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and clear acrylic base. NB: The clear acrylic bases may have a coloured peelable protective film.Original price was: £8.00.£6.99Current price is: £6.99.
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