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Marvel Champions – The Galaxy’s Most Wanted Campaign Expansion

Marvel Champions – The Galaxy’s Most Wanted Campaign Expansion

Marvel Champions – The Galaxy’s Most Wanted Campaign Expansion

Original price was: £44.99.Current price is: £32.99.

Not every villain is content to contain their schemes to a single parochial planet – some have much more cosmic ambitions, unleashing their evil against the countless worlds of the galaxy. If you’re ready to leave Earth behind, it’s time to fuel up the Milano, grab that guy’s arm, and blast off for the stars!

Team up with the Guardians of the Galaxy and take your games of Marvel Champions onto the galactic stage. Within The Galaxy’s Most Wanted, you’ll find an entirely new campaign, with five distinct scenarios pitting you against Drang of the Brotherhood of Badoon, the Collector (featured in two separate scenarios), Nebula, and Ronan the Accuser. You can play each of these scenarios individually or bring them together in an epic campaign, and with seven modular sets, there’s plenty of opportunities to mix up your other scenarios. What’s more, this campaign expansion also introduces the first Guardians of the Galaxy heroes to the game, with fully pre-built and ready-to-play hero decks for Groot and Rocket Racoon.

NB: Marvel Champions: The Card Game Core Set is required to play

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  • Ages: 14+
    Players: 1 – 4 (co-op)
    Time to play: 1 – 2 hours