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  • Sale
    Conquest: The Spires Brute Drones
    Conquest: The Spires Brute Drones

    Conquest: The Spires Brute Drones

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    Towering well over two meters, with most specimens touching the three meter mark, Brute Drones are a towering mass of vat grown muscle and aggression. Their skin, where it can be seen beneath the ichor soaked bandages they bear, is a ravaged mass of scar tissue and subdermal bone deposits. Their armour is literally sealed onto their bodies, held in place by alchemically treated cartouches that establish Lineage ownership, lot number and enhancement date of the particular drone. On the battlefield, Brute Drones are little more than living battering rams. As a result, they are always deployed in conjunction with a Pheromancer, whose powerful pheromonal commands are the only thing that can cut through the haze of pain and rage that clouds their mind. Battlefield Role: Anti-Infantry Class: Medium Type: Brutes
    Original price was: £43.99.Current price is: £22.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Dweghom Dragonslayers (Dual Kit)
    Conquest: Dweghom Dragonslayers (Dual Kit)

    Conquest: Dweghom Dragonslayers (Dual Kit)

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    Clad in armour forged in a bygone age when dragon fire was the greatest threat to a warrior, every vulnerable part of a Dragonslayer is covered in alloys not seen since the breaking of the world. The weapons they bear were those used by their Ancestors to pierce the nigh invulnerable hides of the Elder Dragons. Forged from adamantine and now quenched in dragon blood, no mortal armour could hope to withstand a blow. Dragonslayers are entrusted with the greatest heirlooms of their Hold, weapons that are part of the living memory of their people’s greatest trial and triumph. Only the greatest of Thanes could hope to aspire to the rank of Dragonslayer, and no single Dweghom, not even the eldest Mnemancers, has the standing to recommend the elevation of a Thane to their ranks: they must rather be chosen by the unanimous acclaim of their peers; their valour and prowess so indisputable that even the greatest of the Dweghom warriors would not contest their ascendance to this elite force. Battlefield Role: Heavy Infantry, Anti-Armour Class: Heavy Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £27.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Dweghom Herald Of Fire
    Conquest: Dweghom Herald Of Fire

    Conquest: Dweghom Herald Of Fire

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    This model is a command upgrade available to most Dweghom Hold forces. While Dweghom naturally excel at Defence, the Herald of Fire focuses on the offence, giving Dweghom forces the Fury Draw Event. This force multiplier will see play in most Dweghom armies that use elite forces and will gain the most benefit from his force multiplying abilities. Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £17.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Militia
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Militia

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Militia

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    NB: You may receive a Dual Kit box of Militia or Militia Bowmen which allows you to make either unit The Militia Act has been one of the most stabilizing and far reaching reforms ever implemented in the Hundred Kingdoms, curbing the power of the noble lords, while helping the population defend itself against outside threats. Battlefield Role: Mainstay Line Infantry Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £27.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Dweghom Hold Raegh

    Conquest: Dweghom Hold Raegh (Resin)

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    To behold a Hold Raegh on the field of war is to witness a Paragon of his craft at the very pinnacle of his prowess. To rise to the position of Raegh, a Dweghom must reach a value of Aghm determined by the Mnemancers of each hold (considering the population, productivity, history and achievements of the Hold in question) while surpassing all others. In a society as militarized as the Dweghom, there is only one path that can lead to such heights: the craft of war. In the early stages of his prospective career, an aspiring candidate earns his Aghm directly: feats of arms and valour at the trials, and later the field of battle. Rising through the ranks in the military machine of a Dweghom Hold is a very difficult process, riven with physical danger on the battlefield and traps and pitfalls in the advancement as an officer, for, the higher one seeks to rise, the lower he may fall. For this reason, many Dweghom warriors, who have earned the right to command soldiers, chose to forgo the honour and potential advancement, content instead to remain a part of the rank and file. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Heavy Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £16.99.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: Infantry Bases & Stands
    Conquest: Infantry Bases & Stands

    Conquest: Infantry Bases & Stands

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    Extra / replacement Infantry Bases & Stands for Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings / First Blood Contents:
    • 12 Infantry Bases. Dimensions: 27mm per base
    • 3 Infantry Stands. Dimensions: 66mm x 66mm per stand
    Original price was: £5.49.Current price is: £4.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Cavalry Bases & Stands
    Conquest: Cavalry Bases & Stands

    Conquest: Cavalry Bases & Stands

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    Extra / replacement Cavalry Bases & Stands for Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings / First Blood Contents:
    • 3 Cavalry Bases. Dimensions: 54mm per base
    • 3 Cavalry Stands. Dimensions:  66mm x 66mm per Stand
    Original price was: £5.49.Current price is: £4.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Monster Base & Stand
    Conquest: Monster Base & Stand

    Conquest: Monster Base & Stand

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    Extra / replacement Monster Base & Stand for Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings / First Blood Contents:
    • 1 Monster Base. Dimension: 100mm
    • 1 Monster Stand. Dimension: 110mm x 110mm.
    Original price was: £5.49.Current price is: £3.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Nords Huskarls

    Conquest: Nords Huskarls

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    While raiders might form the bulk of a Nord ‘expedition’, a wise Jarl will always look to secure the services of his Huskarls for a raid before even considering the enterprise. These men are the survivors of a dozen raids, wealthy enough to no longer need to work the fields and instead devote themselves to the pursuit of war exclusively. Battlefield Role: Mainstay Line Infantry Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £37.99.Current price is: £29.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: The Spires Biomancer
    Conquest: The Spires Biomancer

    Conquest: The Spires Biomancer

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    Standing six feet tall, their spindly bodies have been adapted to the rigors of their academic life. Digestive systems have been reduced to minimize distractions.  Their senses, particularly sight and smell, have been enhanced to an astounding degree, so much so that the clothing they wear to battle is designed to reduce the sensory overload, allowing them to focus on the task at hand. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Light Type: Character / Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £17.50.
  • Sold out
    Conquest: The Spires Abomination

    Conquest: The Spires Abomination

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    Abominations were originally an advanced and cruel form of punishment, devised on a whim by the Sovereign. Ensconced deep within an Abomination lies the body of an Exile who has betrayed his trust or breached the most sacrosanct of Spire laws. Survivors speak of a keening whine, just on the verge of hearing that pervades their memories, a sound that registers deeper than the cries of their fallen comrades. This is the only sound an Abomination can make, the only sound it is allowed to make: a keening howl to convey the depth of their misery and torment. Invasive cerebral procedures impairs the cognitive function of the condemned, as chemical and hormonal treatments are applied to make them lose control of their Life-Binding gifts and forcibly bond them to a lower organism. The humble ant’s instinctive hierarchical physiology somehow made it more susceptible to Pheromonic command, forcing the body to respond to orders while allowing compromised psyche trapped within the hellish amalgam only enough control to wail its anguish even while enacting the will of its tormentors. Battlefield Role: Anti-Infantry Monster Class: Heavy Type: Monster
    Original price was: £42.99.Current price is: £22.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Dweghom Ardent Kerawegh
    Conquest: Dweghom Ardent Kerawegh

    Conquest: Dweghom Ardent Kerawegh

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    Mighty warriors in their own right, the Kerawegh are a terror on the field not for their skill at arms, but rather for their ability to channel the faith and fervour of their brethren into harsh battlefield miracles. These savage miracles they are capable of invoking are not taught as there is nothing that resembles a church or structured faith amongst the Kerawegh. They are gifts earned at the very end of their Descent, on the very threshold of Wars primordial prison. Those few amongst the Kerawegh who care to speak of their new-found powers almost invariably describe how the clamour of war that all Dweghom hear throughout the Descent rises to a crescendo the closer one gets to War’s prison. Standing before the Gates, they are assailed with the din of a hundred concurrent battles despite being miles underground. The wisest amongst them suspect that these are the sounds of every battle and combat being fought on the surface, somehow echoing in the threshold of War’s demesne. But what all of them will agree upon is that some portion of their own soul or psyche is moved to respond to these brutal rhythms. Upon their return, they find themselves so intricately attuned to the din of battle that they are somehow capable to project that dreadful power onto those around them. Their already impressive martial prowess is heightened by the song of war, making them an unstoppable force whether in offence or defence.  Allies who heed their call are exhilarated by cadence of battle, each blow and cry granting them a reprieve or an opening they can exploit, while a Kerawegh’s foes hear only the screeching cries of breaking arms and the screams of the fallen, a discordant sound that saps their will to fight. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £17.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Militia Bowmen
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Militia Bowmen

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Militia Bowmen

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    NB: You may receive a Dual Kit box of Militia or Militia Bowmen which allows you to make either unit The Militia Act has been one of the most stabilizing and far reaching reforms ever implemented in the Hundred Kingdoms, curbing the power of the noble lords, while helping the population defend itself against outside threats. This holds doubly true in the old imperial province of Braeonia, where the peasantry has mastered the use of the longbow. Battlefield Role: Mainstay Ranged Infantry Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £27.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Men-At-Arms
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Men-At-Arms

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Men-At-Arms

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    Freed from the need to work and protect their land, Men-at-Arms were able to focus exclusively on their martial pursuits, allowing them to march on extended campaigns and travel in search of employment, ensuring that sufficient trained men were available to all commanders with the coin to spend in securing their services. Battlefield Role: Mainstay Line Infantry Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £27.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Dweghom Tempered Sorcerer
    Conquest: Dweghom Tempered Sorcerer

    Conquest: Dweghom Tempered Sorcerer

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    All Dweghom possess, in varying degrees, some affinity to the Primordial Elements of Fire and Earth but those among them that actually wield sorcerous power are invariably tremendously powerful in either one, or both, Elements. This is the direct result of the labours of their Tempered ancestors who sought to master and control the raging forces of War’s Prison. What these Ancestors could not foresee, however, was the lack of control over these powers that the Dweghom display. Their control is so limited, in fact, and their power so great, that gifted Dweghom are doomed to die, consumed by their own gift. Knowing this, it comes as little surprise that at the heart of a Tempered Sorcerer’s quest for power, one will ultimately always find the pursuit of control. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £17.50.