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Tabletop Games

  • Sale
    Conquest: Nords Captain
    Conquest: Nords Captain

    Conquest: Nords Captain

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    This command upgrade for the Nord Faction allows players to control the arrival of their forces onto the battlefield with greater precision, allowing them to delay their troops to ensure their arrival in overwhelming force. Captains also make Nord Characters even more deadly in Duels, a critical part of any Nord battleplan, allowing their Characters to eliminate key lynchpins of the opponent’s forces. Battlefield Role: Command Upgrade Type: Character
    Original price was: £22.75.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Nords Shaman
    Conquest: Nords Shaman

    Conquest: Nords Shaman

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    The position and role of Shaman once commanded a great deal of respect in Nord society. Before the coming of the Einherjar, they were the only force capable of blunting the worst excesses of the Fimbulwinter and the Jötnar. Their rune castings and mist weavings could, and did, save countless villages from extinction. During the war with the Jötnar, Shaman were often found at the right hand of the Einherjar, granting their wisdom and guiding them through the many difficult decisions that had to be taken. Given the pivotal role they played in the survival of the Nord people, one would expect their station to be rather more…exalted than it currently stands. Reduced to living on the edge of what villages will take them, Shaman have fallen on hard times. This decline can be directly traced to the rise of the Valkyrie Cult as a force within Nord society. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Light Type: Character
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: The Spires High Clone Executor
    Conquest: The Spires High Clone Executor

    Conquest: The Spires High Clone Executor

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    Ignored and often resented, High Clone Executors provide a critical role that not even the most arrogant of the Lineage Highborn can deny: direct battlefield experience and a core of professional officers to lead the troops. While Biomancers and Pheromancers might turn the soldiers into ravening automata and Lineage Highborn might be unstoppable on the field, it is the High Clone Executors who time and again deliver victories across a hundred different battlefields. To achieve the rank of Executor, a clone must have advanced through the ranks of the Vanguard Infantry and Infiltrators. This hard-earned battlefield experience grants them deep tactical and strategic insight that is seldom found within a Spire’s forces. Competition for recognition and advancement among the high clones is fierce and its expressions are not only physical and violent. These are broadly tolerated, if not encouraged, by their overseers, to enhance these desired traits and cull those lacking them. Those that survive and excel in the Infiltrator teams earn the right to don the powerful Pteraphon suits. It is a testament to the seductive nature of the raw physical power this suit provides (and the highly addictive cocktail of drugs and pheromones it secretes) that only a tiny fraction of those who survive long enough elect to abandon these suits and demand their selfhood be recognized Battlefield Role: Character Class: Medium Type: Character / Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sale
    Unmatched: Battle of Legends Volume One

    Unmatched: Battle of Legends Volume One

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    Anyone, anywhere! Unmatched is a fast-paced game of tactical combat between unlikely opponents. Pick your favourite hero, choose a map and use your hero's unique deck and abilities to win the day. Battle of Legends, Vol. 1 includes four legendary heroes: Medusa, King Arthur, Alice and Sinbad. You can mix up heroes and maps from any Unmatched set. Face new challenges and find fresh combos. Dozens of possibilities await, and more with every set.
    Original price was: £41.99.Current price is: £29.99.
  • Sale
    Crystal & Lockjaw Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol
    Crystal & Lockjaw Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Crystal & Lockjaw Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol


    Crystalia Amaquelin is a princess of the Inhuman Royal Family and younger sister of Medusa, the Queen of the Inhumans. Like other Inhumans, Crystal was exposed to the Terrigen Mists at a young age to gain powers through Terrigenesis, acquiring the ability to psionically control the classic elements of air, earth, fire, and water. Crystal is often accompanied by her loyal companion, Lockjaw.

    Lockjaw is a giant Inhuman bulldog with the power of incredible teleportation. He serves the Inhuman Royal Family as an escort and loyal protector—as well as a means of transportation. Lockjaw can teleport himself and those nearby anywhere he desires on the Earth or Moon. Lockjaw can also psionically track scents across dimensions and has an empathic bond to those he protects. If his wards are ever in danger, Lockjaw fiercely protects them with his incredible strength.

    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £31.99.
  • Sale
    Black Bolt & Medusa Character Pack Marvel Crisis Protocol
    Black Bolt & Medusa Character Pack Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Black Bolt & Medusa Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol


    Blackagar Boltagon, known as Black Bolt, is the king of the Inhumans, a strain of humans genetically engineered by the Kree Empire to be living weapons. With his voice, Black Bolt harnesses immense power. When he speaks, he can produce a shockwave able to level a whole city. Even a whisper from Black Bolt renders his enemies feeble and broken. He has endured rigorous conditioning to control this power, choosing to remain totally silent. Only in defense of his people does Black Bolt unleash the power of his destructive voice.

    Medusalith Amaquelin-Boltagon, or Medusa, is the wife of Black Bolt and queen of the Inhumans. Through exposure to the Terrigen mists, she gained psychokinetic control over her hair. Each strand is stronger than steel and she can manipulate them like an array of countless appendages. She can whip her hair faster than the speed of sound or use it to bind someone in place. Medusa’s control of her hair is so precise that she can use it to perform work as delicate as picking a lock or threading a needle.

    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £29.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: The Spires Force-Grown Drones
    Conquest: The Spires Force-Grown Drones

    Conquest: The Spires Force-Grown Drones

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    After witnessing a Force Grown Drone, one could imagine that they are a by-product of some other Biomantic process gone awry. Nothing could be further from the truth; the design of their strains represents a ground-breaking triumph for the Biomancers. The end result is a being that can be gestated within a week and kept dormant until quickened. In meantime, they can be stored within vast racks in the massive storage caverns of the Underspire. When requested, entire racks of these dormant drones can be hitched on to massive, tented, cathedral-like wagons, pulled by dozens of the Brute Drones. Hundreds of cycles were devoted to simplifying and streamlining the Force Grown strains, allowing the Directorate to create a creature ideally suited to the needs of the Lineages. After all, Force Grown Drones are not meant to fight at the behest of their masters. They are meant to die at their convenience. Battlefield Role: Mainstay Line Infantry Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    A Billion Suns tabletop game by Mike Hutchinson
    A Billion Suns tabletop game by Mike Hutchinson

    A Billion Suns

    A tabletop miniatures game of intense starship combat between fleets of powerful cruisers, sleek destroyers, and agile fighters... A Billion Suns is a wargame of interstellar combat that puts you in command of fleets of powerful starships, from squadrons of agile, but fragile, fighters, to hulking and powerful capital ships. When combined with some spaceship miniatures (from any other game you like), a tape measure, a deck of playing cards and some dice, this rulebook provides everything you need to play exciting and tense tabletop games of interstellar exploration and combat. Using simple dice pool mechanics, you must carefully manage your resources and seize the opportunities that come your way in order to lead your fleet to victory and assert your dominance over the stars.
    Original price was: £12.99.Current price is: £6.99.
  • Sold out
    Terrain Essentials Book - Mel, The Terrain Tutor

    Terrain Essentials Book – Mel, The Terrain Tutor

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    Mel Bose – The Terrain Tutor – has been building terrain for almost as long as he can remember. When he was five, Mel built playsets for his little green army men in the corner of a craft store. He was often assisted by model railroaders who were regulars at the store and, by the time he turned 15, Mel was primed for a life of building terrain. Mel has travelled the world, as a medic in the army, a physiotherapist, and even a salesman. He has worked with people from all walks of life, and looked at things from many different perspectives. It is this approach that he brings to his successful YouTube channel, The Terrain Tutor. Since 2014, Mel has made a living from sharing his passion – teaching people everything he knows about building terrain for tabletop wargaming, for hobbyists, clubs, displays, and for dioramas – and it’s that passion and knowledge that he is bringing to this book. And he has absolutely nailed it...this is a stunning piece of work!
    Original price was: £35.00.Current price is: £31.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: The Spires Brute Drones
    Conquest: The Spires Brute Drones

    Conquest: The Spires Brute Drones

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    Towering well over two meters, with most specimens touching the three meter mark, Brute Drones are a towering mass of vat grown muscle and aggression. Their skin, where it can be seen beneath the ichor soaked bandages they bear, is a ravaged mass of scar tissue and subdermal bone deposits. Their armour is literally sealed onto their bodies, held in place by alchemically treated cartouches that establish Lineage ownership, lot number and enhancement date of the particular drone. On the battlefield, Brute Drones are little more than living battering rams. As a result, they are always deployed in conjunction with a Pheromancer, whose powerful pheromonal commands are the only thing that can cut through the haze of pain and rage that clouds their mind. Battlefield Role: Anti-Infantry Class: Medium Type: Brutes
    Original price was: £43.99.Current price is: £16.99.
  • Sale
    Angela & Enchantress Character Pack Marvel Crisis Protocol
    Angela & Enchantress Character Pack Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Angela & Enchantress Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Amora the Enchantress has devoted her immortal life to the pursuit of power. One of the most powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, Amora is well known for her immense beauty and infamous for her heartless scheming in order to get whatever she desires. Able to enact powerful charms, the Enchantress is able to bend even the strongest resolve to her will. Firstborn of Odin and Freyja, Angela was kidnapped by Heven during the war between Heven and Asgard. Thought dead by her parents, Angela was raised and trained to be one of Heven’s deadliest hunters and warriors. Having learned of her true parentage, Angela cast aside her loyalty to Heven and to Odin, choosing to serve no master but her own conscience. She now travels the cosmos fighting against any evil which dares crosses her path, both alongside her brother Thor, and as part of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £31.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Dweghom Hold Raegh

    Conquest: Dweghom Hold Raegh (Resin)

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    To behold a Hold Raegh on the field of war is to witness a Paragon of his craft at the very pinnacle of his prowess. To rise to the position of Raegh, a Dweghom must reach a value of Aghm determined by the Mnemancers of each hold (considering the population, productivity, history and achievements of the Hold in question) while surpassing all others. In a society as militarized as the Dweghom, there is only one path that can lead to such heights: the craft of war. In the early stages of his prospective career, an aspiring candidate earns his Aghm directly: feats of arms and valour at the trials, and later the field of battle. Rising through the ranks in the military machine of a Dweghom Hold is a very difficult process, riven with physical danger on the battlefield and traps and pitfalls in the advancement as an officer, for, the higher one seeks to rise, the lower he may fall. For this reason, many Dweghom warriors, who have earned the right to command soldiers, chose to forgo the honour and potential advancement, content instead to remain a part of the rank and file. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Heavy Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Infantry Bases & Stands
    Conquest: Infantry Bases & Stands

    Conquest: Infantry Bases & Stands

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    Extra / replacement Infantry Bases & Stands for Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings / First Blood Contents:
    • 12 Infantry Bases. Dimensions: 27mm per base
    • 3 Infantry Stands. Dimensions: 66mm x 66mm per stand
    Original price was: £5.49.Current price is: £2.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Cavalry Bases & Stands
    Conquest: Cavalry Bases & Stands

    Conquest: Cavalry Bases & Stands

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    Extra / replacement Cavalry Bases & Stands for Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings / First Blood Contents:
    • 3 Cavalry Bases. Dimensions: 54mm per base
    • 3 Cavalry Stands. Dimensions:  66mm x 66mm per Stand
    Original price was: £5.49.Current price is: £2.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Monster Base & Stand
    Conquest: Monster Base & Stand

    Conquest: Monster Base & Stand

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    Extra / replacement Monster Base & Stand for Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings / First Blood Contents:
    • 1 Monster Base. Dimension: 100mm
    • 1 Monster Stand. Dimension: 110mm x 110mm.
    Original price was: £5.49.Current price is: £2.99.