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Tabletop Games

  • Sale
    Conquest: Nords Huskarls

    Conquest: Nords Huskarls

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    While raiders might form the bulk of a Nord ‘expedition’, a wise Jarl will always look to secure the services of his Huskarls for a raid before even considering the enterprise. These men are the survivors of a dozen raids, wealthy enough to no longer need to work the fields and instead devote themselves to the pursuit of war exclusively. Battlefield Role: Mainstay Line Infantry Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £37.99.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: The Spires Abomination

    Conquest: The Spires Abomination

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    Abominations were originally an advanced and cruel form of punishment, devised on a whim by the Sovereign. Ensconced deep within an Abomination lies the body of an Exile who has betrayed his trust or breached the most sacrosanct of Spire laws. Survivors speak of a keening whine, just on the verge of hearing that pervades their memories, a sound that registers deeper than the cries of their fallen comrades. This is the only sound an Abomination can make, the only sound it is allowed to make: a keening howl to convey the depth of their misery and torment. Invasive cerebral procedures impairs the cognitive function of the condemned, as chemical and hormonal treatments are applied to make them lose control of their Life-Binding gifts and forcibly bond them to a lower organism. The humble ant’s instinctive hierarchical physiology somehow made it more susceptible to Pheromonic command, forcing the body to respond to orders while allowing compromised psyche trapped within the hellish amalgam only enough control to wail its anguish even while enacting the will of its tormentors. Battlefield Role: Anti-Infantry Monster Class: Heavy Type: Monster
    Original price was: £42.99.Current price is: £14.99.
  • Sale
    She-Hulk character pack for Marvel Crisis Protocol
    She-Hulk character pack for Marvel Crisis Protocol

    She-Hulk Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol


    Jennifer Walters is the cousin of Bruce Banner, the Hulk. After an attempt on her life left her in critical condition, a blood transfusion from Banner infused her with gamma irradiation and transformed her into the savage and sensational She-Hulk.

    While she gained much of the superhuman strength of the Hulk, Walters retains her sharp wit and honed sense of justice when she transforms, becoming a less inhibited version of herself. She rarely sees the need to return to her original self, preferring instead to fight crime with her immense strength and durability.

    Original price was: £24.99.Current price is: £18.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Dweghom Ardent Kerawegh
    Conquest: Dweghom Ardent Kerawegh

    Conquest: Dweghom Ardent Kerawegh

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    Mighty warriors in their own right, the Kerawegh are a terror on the field not for their skill at arms, but rather for their ability to channel the faith and fervour of their brethren into harsh battlefield miracles. These savage miracles they are capable of invoking are not taught as there is nothing that resembles a church or structured faith amongst the Kerawegh. They are gifts earned at the very end of their Descent, on the very threshold of Wars primordial prison. Those few amongst the Kerawegh who care to speak of their new-found powers almost invariably describe how the clamour of war that all Dweghom hear throughout the Descent rises to a crescendo the closer one gets to War’s prison. Standing before the Gates, they are assailed with the din of a hundred concurrent battles despite being miles underground. The wisest amongst them suspect that these are the sounds of every battle and combat being fought on the surface, somehow echoing in the threshold of War’s demesne. But what all of them will agree upon is that some portion of their own soul or psyche is moved to respond to these brutal rhythms. Upon their return, they find themselves so intricately attuned to the din of battle that they are somehow capable to project that dreadful power onto those around them. Their already impressive martial prowess is heightened by the song of war, making them an unstoppable force whether in offence or defence.  Allies who heed their call are exhilarated by cadence of battle, each blow and cry granting them a reprieve or an opening they can exploit, while a Kerawegh’s foes hear only the screeching cries of breaking arms and the screams of the fallen, a discordant sound that saps their will to fight. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Men-At-Arms
    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Men-At-Arms

    Conquest: Hundred Kingdoms Men-At-Arms

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    Freed from the need to work and protect their land, Men-at-Arms were able to focus exclusively on their martial pursuits, allowing them to march on extended campaigns and travel in search of employment, ensuring that sufficient trained men were available to all commanders with the coin to spend in securing their services. Battlefield Role: Mainstay Line Infantry Class: Medium Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: Dweghom Tempered Sorcerer
    Conquest: Dweghom Tempered Sorcerer

    Conquest: Dweghom Tempered Sorcerer

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    All Dweghom possess, in varying degrees, some affinity to the Primordial Elements of Fire and Earth but those among them that actually wield sorcerous power are invariably tremendously powerful in either one, or both, Elements. This is the direct result of the labours of their Tempered ancestors who sought to master and control the raging forces of War’s Prison. What these Ancestors could not foresee, however, was the lack of control over these powers that the Dweghom display. Their control is so limited, in fact, and their power so great, that gifted Dweghom are doomed to die, consumed by their own gift. Knowing this, it comes as little surprise that at the heart of a Tempered Sorcerer’s quest for power, one will ultimately always find the pursuit of control. Battlefield Role: Character Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £21.99.Current price is: £14.50.
  • Sold out
    Sleeve Kings: "XXL Super Large" Sleeves - perfect sleeves for Marvel Crisis Protocol
    Sleeve Kings: "XXL Super Large" Sleeves - perfect sleeves for Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Sleeve Kings: “XXL Super Large” MCP Sleeves (101.5x153mm) – 110 Pack

    Finally found the perfect value sleeves for the extra large character cards in Marvel Crisis Protocol! Introducing the "XXL Super Large" sleeves from Sleeve Kings. These are very, very good quality; thicker than other "standard" sleeves as most brands are 40 microns thick, a few are even 50 microns. These are 60-microns thick which is 50% more than most! You also get 10% more sleeves than other brands. Most sleeves come 100 to a pack whereas these give you 110. Just one pack will be more than enough for your growing Marvel Crisis Protocol collection. And lastly, they are super strong.
    Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £3.99.
  • Sale
    Conquest: The Spires Vanguard Clone Infiltrators
    Conquest: The Spires Vanguard Clone Infiltrators

    Conquest: The Spires Vanguard Clone Infiltrators

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    Unlike the Brute and Force Grown Drones the Vanguard Clones are not grown in the spawning pits deep within the Underspire. Woven from 100% pure exile tissue, their strands are improved upon and woven to produce superior specimens. Those that survive a brutal culling process undergo a brutal training regime to enter the Vanguard regiments. This first training regime focuses on physical development and a martial arts training. By the end of their third year of conditioning and training, a Vanguard clone is equally comfortable with killing with bows, snap bows, blades and limb. Their training has been skewed to emphasizes evasion and speed over raw power but raised to peak physical condition and trained in combat for three years, the average Vanguard Clone is more than a match for even a veteran man at arms, capable of going toe to toe with the combat elite of the Dweghom and W’adrhŭn. Battlefield Role: Ranged Class: Light Type: Infantry
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sold out
    marvel crisis protocol Wolverine & Sabretooth Character Pack
    marvel crisis protocol Wolverine & Sabretooth Character Pack

    Wolverine & Sabretooth Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol


    Wolverine is a man whose past is shrouded in mystery. His mutant power of enhanced regeneration not only protects him from harm but has dramatically increased his life span. It also made him the ideal subject for the Weapon X project, which bonded indestructible metal to his skeleton and claws while robbing him of his memory. As a member of the X-Men, Wolverine is a gruff and vicious member of the team who often clashes with the team’s leader, Cyclops.

    The mutant Victor Creed, called Sabretooth by many, is a feral assassin and mercenary. His mutant abilities grant him an enhanced healing rate, keen senses, and razor-sharp claws he uses to savage his foes. He is a long-time enemy of Wolverine. Their pasts intertwine through decades of conflict, and Sabertooth acts as a dark mirror of Wolverine’s suppressed savage instincts.

    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £25.99.
  • Sale
    Cyclops & Storm Character Pack
    Cyclops & Storm Character Pack

    Cyclops & Storm Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol


    Scott Summers is Cyclops, the first member of the mutant team the X-Men. Summers’ mutant power causes him to produce beams of optic force from his eyes. Unable to control these beams, Cyclops must wear protective ruby lenses to shield others from his mutant ability. As the field leader of the X-Men, Cyclops is a master tactician and skilled combatant who never stops fighting for equality between mutants and human kind.

    Ororo Munroe descends from along line of witch-priestesses. Once worshipped as a goddess of the storm, she is a mutant with the ability to control the weather, able to produce hurricane winds and summon lightning at a whim. After a chance encounter with Professor Xavier, Munroe joined his task force, the X-Men. As a member of the X-Men, she is Storm, a capable leader and one of the most powerful mutants in existence.

    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £27.99.
  • Sold out
    marvel crisis protocol Magneto & Toad Character Pack
    marvel crisis protocol Magneto & Toad Character Pack

    Magneto & Toad Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol


    Max Eisenhardt, the man who would become Magneto, faced unimaginable discrimination and evil during the Third Reich’s rise to power in World War II. He survived, thanks in part to the manifestation of his mutant power to control magnetic fields. Following the war, he resolved that such a fate would never befall mutant kind. An uncompromising freedom fighter for his fellow mutants, his extreme beliefs for mutant superiority drove a wedge between Magneto and his close friend, Professor Xavier. Magneto’s vision for mutant kind caused him to form the Brotherhood of Mutants, who fight for mutant supremacy.

    Mortimer Toynbee, known as Toad, is a genetically flawed mutant. Visibly mutated since birth, he was abandoned by his parents to an orphanage where he was ostracized for his appearance. When Magneto discovered and recruited him, Toad embraced the mission to conquer the human race who had rejected and degraded him. Toad serves Magneto as an unquestioning lackey using his mutant abilities of enhanced jumping and prehensile tongue.

    Original price was: £44.99.Current price is: £34.99.
  • Sale
    marvel crisis protocol Mystique & Beast Character Pack
    marvel crisis protocol Mystique & Beast Character Pack

    Mystique & Beast Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol


    Mystique is a peerless shapeshifter, able to alter her physical appearance and voice to match another person’s as a perfect mimic. Little is known about her early life, though she has claimed to be over 100 years old. During her life, she has assassinated several significant figures involved in mutant affairs, imitated high-ranking generals and politicians, and clashed with the X-Men on numerous occasions.

    Dr Hank McCoy is a founding member of the X-Men who possesses enhanced agility and genius-level intellect. McCoy has undergone progressive mutations that have increasingly given him a feral, bestial appearance, including fangs, claws, and superhuman senses. Though his visage is animalistic, Beast retains his intelligence and is a global authority on matters of mutant kind, a top-tier geneticist, and a fierce advocate for mutant rights.

    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £31.99.
  • Sold out
    The Army Painter Masterclass Drybrush Set

    The Army Painter: Masterclass Drybrush Set

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    These spectacular and highly specialised drybrushes give ultra-realistic results and very smooth coverage, revealing every detail of your miniature with ease. The brushes are versatile and can be used for both large models, terrain, and vehicles as well as any normal-sized model. The results and effects, you get with these Masterclass Drybrushes, far surpass that of any normal drybrush.
    Original price was: £14.00.Current price is: £11.50.
  • Sold out
    The Army Painter: Miniature & Model Magnets

    The Army Painter: Miniature & Model Magnets

    These supercharged rare-earth magnets are very high grade & strength (N52), enabling you to do complex conversions or simply magnetise different weapons to your models. Includes:
    • 80 x 3mm
    • 20 x 5mm
    Original price was: £9.75.Current price is: £7.99.
  • Sold out
    Bullseye & Daredevil Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol
    Bullseye & Daredevil Character Pack - Marvel Crisis Protocol

    Bullseye & Daredevil Character Pack – Marvel Crisis Protocol

    As a boy, Matt Murdock was blinded in an accident involving radioactive chemicals. Though he could no longer see, the chemicals heightened Murdock’s other senses and imbued him with an incredible 360-degree radar sense. With years of martial arts training under the ninja master Stick and fueled by a relentless pursuit of justice, Matt Murdock protects the innocent of Hell’s Kitchen as Daredevil, the Man Without Fear! A psychopathic assassin, Bullseye is one of the deadliest men in the world. Beyond his superb skills in hand-to-hand combat, Bullseye was born with the innate ability to throw any projectile with lethal force and accuracy. As a costumed criminal, Bullseye has crossed paths with many of the world’s greatest heroes, but he holds a special hatred for his nemesis, Daredevil, stopping at nothing to put him down once and for all.
    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £31.99.