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Board Games

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    Hostage Negotiator Game: Abductor Pack #1
    Hostage Negotiator Game: Abductor Pack #1

    Hostage Negotiator Game: Abductor Pack #1

    Conner E. Ogden, aka "The CEO", just watched as his company's stock take a nose dive. After being notified by the board of directors that he is being asked to step down, he decided to take matters into his own hands. Now he has hostages at gunpoint and is demanding that things go back to the way they were. In this expansion you'll have access to a resource on the inside. A hostage has found a way to communicate with you. Will you be able to make the most of this advantage? NB: Requires a copy of the Hostage Negotiator game to play
    Original price was: £8.99.Current price is: £7.25.
  • Sale
    Hostage Negotiator Game: Crime Wave
    Hostage Negotiator Game: Crime Wave

    Hostage Negotiator Game: Crime Wave

    Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave is a stand-alone expansion to the hit solitaire game from 2015! A rash of crime is hitting the city. Most crimes don't require a negotiator. But for the ones that do... you get the call. Hostage Negotiator: Crime Wave is completely playable without any other content. So if you don't own the original Hostage Negotiator, you are still getting a fully playable game right out of the box. Of course, having the original as well really brings out the most in this expansion! With new Conversation Cards, new Terror Cards, new Pivotal Events, new Abductors, and new Demands that can all be integrated with the original, your Hostage Negotiator experience will be taken to an all new level!
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £29.50.
  • Sale
    Hostage Negotiator Game
    Hostage Negotiator Game

    Hostage Negotiator Game

    In Hostage Negotiator, you play the part of a law enforcement agent responsible for negotiating the release of hostages taken by an unscrupulous figure (the abductor) hell-bent on having his or her demands met. Each turn represents a conversation between you and the hostage taker. Play cards and roll dice to increase conversation points, decrease the threat level, and release hostages. A unique "hand-building" mechanism puts cards you purchase directly in your hand for next turn, rather than leaving you wondering when the cards will show up like in deck-building games. There are multiple paths to victory, but the hostage taker has other plans. Will you try to calm him and get him to surrender? Will you stall and bide your time before for a major extraction? How many hostages will you save? These are many of the exciting decisions you will make in a game of Hostage Negotiator!
    Original price was: £24.99.Current price is: £20.99.
  • Sale
    Wingspan: Asia Expansion
    Wingspan: Asia Expansion

    Wingspan: Asia Expansion

    In this third expansion to Wingspan, new species are welcomed to your habitats by exploring the vibrant, intriguing, and magnificent birds of Asia. These birds were chosen from over 2,800 species that live in Asia. Wingspan Asia is several different things in one box:
    • A stand-alone game for 1 player or 2 players (Duet mode that can be used with any bird/bonus cards)
    • A card expansion to the original Wingspan (any bird/bonus cards across any Wingspan game or expansion can be combined)
    • A 6-7 player expansion via the new Flock mode (for which the player components from the core game are necessary).
    Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £32.50.
  • Sale
    Quoridor Board Game

    Quoridor Board Game

    Don't let yourself be fooled by the simplicity of Quoridor's rules, as behind each game lies a new layer of strategy for you to discover. To reach the opposite side of the board, mastering the perfect balance between the two moves at your disposal is essential. Will you sacrifice moving your pawn to place a fence? Will you use it offensively to block your opponent, or to defend your quickest path to victory? Set it up on the table; Quoridor's pure and elegant design will raise everyone's curiosity, always calling for one more round.
    Original price was: £35.00.Current price is: £28.50.
  • Sale
    Akropolis Board Game

    Akropolis Board Game

    Your city seeks to increase its wealth and glory... You are entrusted with this responsibility. An entire population believes in your talent as an architect. Build an Akropolis full of housing, temples, markets, gardens and barracks, so you can grow your city and ensure it triumphs over the others. Raise its prestige with harmonious planning that conforms to specific rules, and enhance it by building plazas. Stone is an essential resource, so make sure you do not neglect it. You’ll need enough quarries so you can build higher up, making your city stretch towards the sky. Akropolis was a very, very worthy winner of the Judges Award and People's Choice Award for Best Family Game at UK Games Expo in 2022!
    Original price was: £25.00.Current price is: £19.99.
  • Sale
    Secret Identity Party Game
    Secret Identity Party Game

    Secret Identity – Party Game

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    ln Secret Identity, you must guess the hidden identity of your opponents while trying to make them guess yours. At the start of a round, you receive a key card that indicates your identity among the eight characters on the table. Using double-sided "picto" cards, you try to give clues to your character so that others can guess who you are, while simultaneously guessing their character - earning points for each success. Each round, new characters appear on the table, giving you and everyone else a fresh face to guess, but your supply of picto cards is never replenished, so you must be judicious when using them in order not to run out by game's end. After the fourth round, whoever has scored the most points wins. Will you be able to act both as a skilled informant and a sharp observer?
    • Best Party Game Winner, UK Games Expo Awards 2022
    • Tense choices every turn!
    • Inventive social and voting party game
    • 150 different identities plus innovative board design
    Original price was: £27.00.Current price is: £22.50.
  • Sale
    Marrakech Board Game
    Marrakech Board Game

    Marrakech Board Game

    In Marrakech each player takes the role of a rug salesperson who tries to outwit the competition. Each player starts with 10 coins and an equal number of carpets. On your turn, you may rotate Assam 90 degrees. Then roll the die and move him forward as many spaces as showing (d6: 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4). If Assam reaches the edge of the board, follow the curve and continue moving in the next row. If Assam lands on another player's carpet, you must pay that player 1 coin per square showing that is contiguous with the landed-on square. Then, you place one of your carpets orthogonally adjacent to Assam (but may not directly overlay another carpet). The game ends when all players have played all carpets. Each gets 1 coin per visible square. The player with most coins wins!
    Original price was: £35.00.Current price is: £27.99.
  • Sold out
    Dinner in Paris Board Game
    Dinner in Paris Board Game

    Dinner in Paris Board Game

    The restaurant industry in Paris is buzzing after the inauguration of a new pedestrian square in a very popular district for Parisians and tourists from all around the globe. It is a golden opportunity for you, restaurant owners, to open one of the addresses that will contribute to the culinary diversity and the reputation of the French capital. However, there isn’t space for everyone and your opponents could throw a wrench in your gears!
    Original price was: £35.00.Current price is: £27.99.
  • Sale
    Kingdomino Origins Board Game

    Kingdomino Origins Board Game

    Go back in time to the prehistoric era of Kingdomino! Kingdomino Origins plays similarly to the original game but introduces new components for additional actions and new ways to score points. Regions in your territory will earn you points if they contain fire. Fire is either part of your terrains, or earned by adding dominoes with volcanoes. There are 3 game modes to play: the 1st one introduces fire and volcanoes, the 2nd mode uses wooden resources and the 3rd one features cavemen tokens. You will earn points by collecting resources and additional points when you have the majority of a type of resources. Then resources allow you to bring cavemen to your territory and each type of caveman has its own way to give you points based on their position.
    Original price was: £27.99.Current price is: £18.50.
  • Sale
    Sobek (2 Players) Board Game
    Sobek (2 Players) Board Game

    Sobek (2 Players) Board Game

    Construction is underway on a temple dedicated to Sobek. A huge market has emerged nearby, supplied by the continuous flow of feluccas and pirogues along the Nile. Your Guild of Merchants is determined to take advantage of this unbelievable opportunity, and ready to use any means to grab sumptuous goods out of the way of your opponent. Beware, though, as it will be crucial not to have accumulated too much corruption when the time of reckonings arrives. Sobek: 2 Players is a new version of Bruno Cathala's acclaimed classic, but for two and introduces a fantastic new market mechanism that elevates gameplay to a new level.
    Original price was: £22.00.Current price is: £17.50.
  • Sold out
    MicroMacro: Crime City Full House

    MicroMacro: Crime City Full House

    Crimes have taken place all over the city, and you want to figure out exactly what's happened, so you'll need to look closely at the giant city map (75 x 110 cm) to find all the hidden information and trace the trails of those who had it in for their foes. MicroMacro: Crime City – Full House includes 16 cases for you to solve. Each case includes a number of cards that ask you to find something on the map or uncover where someone has gone or otherwise reveal information relevant to a case. The city map serves as a map in time as well as space, so you'll typically find people in multiple locations throughout the streets and buildings, and you need to piece together what happened, whether by going through the case card by card or by reading only the starting card in the case and trying to figure out everything that happened for yourself. Will you be able to answer all questions about the case without fail? Unlike the original MicroMacro: Crime CityFull House marks each case with symbols so that parents can decide which cases the youngest investigators are cleared to research.
    Original price was: £25.99.Current price is: £20.99.
  • Sold out
    The Red Cathedral board game

    The Red Cathedral Board Game

    Autumn is not the best time to climb up on a scaffold in Moscow, but it is still far better than doing so in the winter. Tsar Ivan wants to see results and our team will prove to him that we are the best builders in the city. We are sure to finish off those decorative arches with the brightest shining stones and ensure our place on the list of the government’s trusted workers... The Red Cathedral is a strategic, “Euro” board game in which the players take the roles of construction teams. Their job is to work together to put up St. Basil’s cathedral in Moscow, as ordered by Ivan the Terrible. However, only one of them will be able to gain the favour of the Tsar. During the game, the players can carry out one of these three actions: assign a section of the cathedral, send resources to that section to build it, or go to the game board to achieve more resources. Each of these actions has its own mechanism and requires that the players pay close attention to what the other players are doing. When the sections of the cathedral are assigned the players take possession of the spaces in each of the columns that make up their section. The more sections built and the completion of each with its own tower, the more points the player will be given at the end of the game. A very highly rated game designed by Sheila Santos and Israel Cendrero, the duo known as Llama Dice.
    Original price was: £27.99.Current price is: £22.99.
  • Sold out
    Star Wars UNLOCK! - The Escape Game
    Star Wars UNLOCK! - The Escape Game

    UNLOCK! Star Wars Escape Game

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    Unlock! is a co-operative card game inspired by escape rooms that uses a simple system which allows you to search scenes, combine objects, and solve riddles. Play Unlock! to embark on great adventures, while seated at a table using only cards and a companion app that can provide clues, check codes, monitor time remaining, etc. Star Wars: Unlock! uses the Unlock! game system to send you on three new adventures full of ships, droids, and action: 1. An unforeseen delay You are smugglers in the Outer Rim, facing danger and the unexpected every day. Today, while transporting expensive cargo belonging to Jabba the Hutt, you are intercepted by an Imperial Star Destroyer! Imperial operatives impound your ship and confiscate everything in your cargo bay. You know it is only a matter of time before they take a close look and discover Jabba‘s hidden illegal goods. There‘s no time to waste. You need to break out of your cell, rescue your astromech and get hold off the cargo. Then all you need to do is recover your ship and escape! Your objective: Escape with your astromech (co- pilot droid) and the cargo. 2. Escape from Hoth Echo Base, an important Rebel stronghold, has managed to remain hidden on the ice planet Hoth for some time. The hostile climate provides excellent cover and protection from the Empire- but you must always remain vigilant! You head out on a routine patrol with your trusty tauntaun mount, a hearty creature native to Hoth. After an uneventful morning, you take a brief break to rest your tauntaun while you contact Echo Base with an update. However, due to heavy atmospheric disturbance, you can‘t reach them. Your mission: Continue your patrol, explore the ice planet, and contact Echo Base! 3. Secret mission on Jedha You are an Imperial spy sent to infiltrate the Holy City of Jedha. An Imperial pilot transporting a crate of priceless kyber crystals crashed their Zeta- class cargo shuttle on the surface. You must retrieve the crate without alerting the Rebel scum Saw Gerrera or any of his lawless mercenaries on Jedha. There is an Imperial informant waiting for you on the surface with more details. Meanwhile, Imperial Command orbits Jedha in a Star Destroyer. They are within communications range and expect regular updates. Your mission: Gather intel, maintain your cover story, and recover the kyber crystals!
    Original price was: £33.99.Current price is: £15.99.
  • Sale
    Curious Cargo Board Game

    Curious Cargo Board Game

    "I stumbled upon a midnight market. It wasn’t selling flowers or farm goods. It was a more curious sort of cargo: energy capacitors, strange crystalline material, and something green and jiggly. Since then, I’ve been dragged into it, deep into the thick of it. I paid a stranger more than I should have for manufacturing plans I hardly understood. Worse yet, they sold the same stuff to my best friend. Now, I have to get my supply lines up and running to prepare for shipping my cargo. And, if my friend starts shipping some of this Curious Cargo, I’ll have to intercept their trucks and corner the market that way. By hook or by crook, I’m going to be the king of Curious Cargo." Curious Cargo is a two player game where you go head-to-head against your opponent by building up the infrastructure of your facilities, calling in trucks at the right moment, all while perfectly timing the shipping and receiving of cargo to score the most points. Connect an interweaving network of lines to your shipping and receiving spaces. Ship your custom-shaped cargo tokens to your opponent to interfere with their logistics plans! The puzzling nature of Ryan Courtney’s Pipeline comes alive in Curious Cargo! With 6 unique player boards for each player and 2 game modes, a skillful challenge awaits even the sharpest competitor.
    Original price was: £34.99.Current price is: £19.99.